We are working on time...
yuckity yuck yuck...
anyways we had some really fun activities (thanks Melissa)
for the kiddos to do and record their time
and then calculate their elapsed time....
so one was to time how long it takes to blink 5 times.....
it takes a really long time if you are silly boys and are having a contest to see who could
NOT blink!!!
I saw a lot of this

and imagine I had one BOY
who did not blink ONCE for a whole 7 minutes...
(not my cutie patootie above... who belongs to one of my besties)
In case you didn't know
I was born yesterday!!!
and because he was being sneaky....
he made it harder on himself to figure out his elapsed times...
and I don't know why his partner didn't realize...
hey when he was pretending to look at the other BOYS
and turned around to look at them....
and WOW
I was really bad luck because I
STARED HIM DOWN until he blinked...
I must admit I got a little nervous because my eyes were
HURT-N around 20 seconds... BUT he gave in after 32
and then they had to time how long it took them to name 10 states...
REALLY 10 states...
this took them the rest of Math Class...
I was in shock...
here is what I heard...
girl 1 ~ she has named 9
me ~ oh man you need just one more!!!
girl 2 ~ I don't know any more...
me ~ really?
girl 2 ~ yeah I named: Texas, Georgia (probably b/c we have a girl from GA), Louisiana, California, some more I don't remember, and Milwaukee....
me ~ Milwaukee??? MILWAUKEE????....NO that is a city in Wisconsin... that doesn't count...
girl 1~ what do we do...
me ~ well she needs 2 more
girl 1~ (whispering so girl 2 can't hear) I don't know why she doesn't say Africa
me ~ (loud so whole class can hear) AFRICA!!!
girl 2 ~ that is a country
me (THINKING) well at least she knows it is not a state
another boy thought Tuscany was a state
and he was pretty sure Antarctica was
and last
are you scared yet?
I am!!!
I mean I consider my class to be pretty above average!!!
PLEASE tell me I am not alone in this...
OK NOW fast forward to indoor recess>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I have convinced my kiddos that Mother Nature wants them to do educational games when we have indoor recess
not sure they think this
or they love me so much they just agree
we were playing making words using the word.....
so remember above said GEORGIA
well she wanted to know how to spell HOe
yes HOe
I had to laugh
and have I mentioned I have a future Jim Carrey... LOVE HIM
he makes me laugh daily... ok at least 3 times DAILY... not in a class clown way
just in a natural I was born to be funny and I can't help it... it just spills out way....
kinda like sarcasm falls out of my mouth... funny HA HA falls out of his....
well back to HOe...
he sits across from Georgia and he just gave me a look...
we both started laughing
and he told her I probably would not count that word
and then not even 2 minutes later she asks...
how do you spell whores...
I know for a FACT she has no clue what that means
nor the other one...
Georgia is possible one of the sweetest little girls I have ever had
so she was completely innocent in all of her
nor the other one...
Georgia is possible one of the sweetest little girls I have ever had
so she was completely innocent in all of her
but JIM does and he looked at me and again
we both start laughing...
he asked her to say it again and she did
I was laughing so hard
and then those naughty enough to know what that means started laughing too
it was so stinkin funny
I had to explain that HOe was bad and whores is the plural.....
it means a bunch of them... I didn't go into detail JUST it is a bad word
so funny... maybe you had to be there... maybe not...
OH well... I LOVE MY CLASS!!!
naughties and ALL!!!
hoping you had a great day too!!!