Did you notice anything new???
I got a new blog design...
I am in love love love with it...
I am pretty sure I am the only teacher with a BUCK in their classroom
and AND AND on my blog!!!
Doesn't he look spiffy???
so as a thank you to my new blog designer...
and she has no idea that I am doing this...
she is the honorary CURRENTLY SPONSOR this month....

I was not an easy client I am sure!!!
and she was more than willing to change, try, clip, cut, design, redo, and ALL of the other things I asked her to do....
I am so happy with the result!!!
The colors, one of a kind header, custom graphics, and sooo soooo much more!!!
It was worth the wait and every single cent!!!
Head on over and check out her portfolio...
alrighty let's get started
so in honor of my new blog design...
I had to put BUCK on the CURRENTLY!!!
now you can have a spiffy deer on your blog too... HA HA HA
so most of mine do not need explanation...
BUT some do...
I am listening to the Judson High school Basketball game on my laptop
Judson is the high school my little school feeds into
it was my high school
well the boys basketball team is in the playoffs
AND one of my former kiddos is one of the starters...
he is 6 feet 7 inches TALL...
holy shnikeys... that is tall
and to top it off he is a star player (really he is I am not just saying that because he was mine at one time... he really is GOOD)
the cherry on top... he is a stand up kid...
manners, smarts, drive, and caring
the kind you want to clone over and over and over again!!!
well I have to go and support a GREAT KID
Here he is with my little man :)
Oh and the game is over now and we won... by like 30 points...
they play again tomorrow and after they beat that team they go to state!!!!
needing to get back on track...
oh my gosh... I have been really bad...
last year I lost 50 pounds and this year I am pretty sure I have gained about half of it back...
I am signed up for the gym and I am on the look out for new running shoes and I am pretty sure my new braces (really invisalign) are going to keep me on the road back to wt. loss...
especially my new braces... can;t really snack with them and I have brushed my teeth to like blinding white status... seriously
but am getting back on track...
and what is up with that last question
well I thought it would be funny to post the answer and you have to guess the question... ha ha ha
so there is no set last question... NOPE...
so did you guess mine???
did you???
you will have to wait to find out...
try guessing in the comments
AND MOM you CANNOT answer... and Daliene and Kenoyer you are out too...
it is your turn...
please remember the rule of three...
go to the blog in front of you and make a nice meaningful comment and then come back and leave a nice comment on the blog behind your link...
that my friends is really the only rules I have...
OH and link directly to your CURRENTLY post purty please
remember the last question is your secret question... you leave the answer and we have to guess what the question is... kinda like Jeopardy BUT BETTER!!!
if you do not know how to link up... please visit the creations page at the top... and it will have links where you can go to find out...
and one last thing...
if you like doing CURRENLTY...
your kids will too
that is why I have....
I have provided enough CURRENTLY templates for all 12 months. Each month has a colorful template, an ink-friendly version, and a decorate-your own template. The first 5 questions are the same and the last question is unique.
oh and look at my signature...