it is time for
but first a little shameless plug....
I have been working on something...
I started it out as a talls (aka big kid) pack
BUT is quickly took a turn to littles (aka little kids)
I immediately sent it to my buddy Reagan
who told me to keep going it looked great
I did...
she said she LOVED it
and it wasn't even finished...
I {puffy} heart Reagan!!!
and then I finished it and sent to Reagan and Hadar
and here is what they had to say....
not sure why it is showing her old design?!?
Reagan said
(a girl of many vivid words)
I am DYING...
oh my freaking gosh
it is perfect for 2nd BUT 1st can handle it too
I am so freaking into this
anytime you want to create for ME I mean k-2 PLEASE DO
Reagan said
(a girl of many vivid words)
I am DYING...
oh my freaking gosh
it is perfect for 2nd BUT 1st can handle it too
I am so freaking into this
anytime you want to create for ME I mean k-2 PLEASE DO

Hadar said
(a girl of few words)
Can't wait to use it with my class!!!
LOVE the math story problems!
I am pretty proud of this PACK!!!
and it is available in both of my stores!!!
over 40 pages for $5
over 40 pages for $5
As many of you know the last blank is changed
every month
so this month the rules for the last blank are....
ONE- every word has to start with the FIRST letter of your LAST name
so all of mine start with F
TWO- you can only have 3 words... that is it THREE words
THREE- you have to think of it as what would they say... so if your
students, friends, and family (in that order) could say ONLY ONE WORD about you
and it had to start with the FIRST letter of your LAST name what would the 3 words be...
keep them in that order so everyone knows... STUDENTS, FRIENDS, FAMILY
and YES my kiddos would say I am fashionable...
when we did this thing...
they wrote you are the best or I like your style
sooooo I picked fashionable...
and my friends
well I hope they think I am FANTABULOUS!!!
I think they do LOL
and yes I am sorta the cray cray one in the bunch so
FUNKY from my family is fair... they love me just the same!!!
we are all a little cray it is just
I act on it LOL
I act on it LOL
OK and if you have a question about
what is a BIRCHBOX
If you love make-up, perfume, hair product, skin care, nail care,
well just about anything BEE U TEE related
then this is for you... plus it is SO SO SO fun
to get one of these in your mailbox every month!!!
If you want to know more click on my BIRCHBOX pic to go check it out!!!
and did you see I get to wear FLIPS...
oh my gosh
I am so excited about this...
my teaching has improved so much because I no longer wear flip flops
but I am so glad for one half day I get to wear flips...
my poor kids will have to try to get over my change in teaching because of this change in foot wear...
now the decision of which flip to wear...OH man
the pressure!!!
OK now it is your turn....
If you don't know how to do this...
Jen from

always puts a great tutorial so go check out her link BELOW or ABOVE
cute new design Jen!!!
is that it???
I think so...
Reagan and I are meeting up again!!!!
WHEN... Wednesday the 14th of March
TIME... 5:30ish
WHERE...Lion&Rose at the Forum
come join us
let me know if you can come
we are going to be on the patio
ok now that is it
NO wait... I put my Leprechaun Unit on Sale for tonight and tomorrow ... it is on sale at my TN store because I can give you half off there... yeppers HALF off!!! TONIGHT and TOMORROW only!!!
ok that is it....