BUT I am coming back in and linking up to my really good bloggy bud.... TARA
oh my what a first week back...
well it was really half a week
BUT good gravy it felt like an ENTIRE WEEK
my bootay is still hurting from sitting on those wooden chairs in the library
one of the things that keeps our PD fun
is this activity where we wrote 3 interesting facts about ourselves... BUT they had to be hard...
well I guess they did... mine are...
well every transition our RTI genius... really she is... she pulls a few facts and reads them and we have to guess who it is...
we have learned a lot about each other
I really look forward to the facts being read...
I would tell you mine... THEY ARE GOOOOOOD... BUT
none of mine have been called out yet... NONE (insert sad face)
ONE of the best trainings so far was our QR code training
I really never made one or bothered with them...
I have a qr reader on my phone because of TARGET but never thought about using it in my class
YEAH YEAH YEAH... I have bought some qr code stuff on TpT... BUT I have never made any
during the training we were asked if any of us have used QR codes in the classroom..
I raised my hand because I have BOUGHT some off of TpT and I used them in the class...
well I was identified as an expert on QR codes...
note to self... be careful when you raise your hand
sooooo we were learning and doing and testing our qr codes... just simple things
words and pics and some youtube videos...
WHEN it happened...
we got homework
you have to make a QR code that will link to a video
that introduces you or your grade level to your new kiddos
I was NOT happy... WHAT???
I had a room to get ready... I have things to label.... I got schtuff to do PEOPLE... and
making a QR code that links to a video WAS NOT ONE I had on my list...
I looked... NOPE it wasn't on there... and I have a lonnnnnng list
BUT now it was...
and NOW I am glad it was...
I went home and for hours worked on an animated version of myself...
with my voice and all kinds of do dads...
I wasn't really that happy with it...
so tonight I changed it...
and I am Happy Happy Happy
WELLLLLLL... I decided to post it on my BRAND NEW board outside my classroom... here it is
NOTE... this QR code is the old one... the new one
will link to the video below
I {PUFFY} heart LOVE LOVE LOVE this!!!
I need to thank my good friend Charlotte for telling me about CHATTERPIX!!!
head on over to her blog and tell her HI!!!

if you look in the corner of the bulletin board... there is a frame
the frame has ribbon and clips... I have made a few more QR codes
they have pics of me and my fam and my favorite things...
and they will get clipped in the frame tomorrow...
I am kinda in LOVE with this board...
I can't wait for my kiddos to scan my QR codes... and
I can't wait to show you what else I have planned for Meet the Teacher Night...
I have gone a little CRAY... but I am super excited!!!
***** squirrel *********
if you saw my last post... I had a contest...
and we have winners...
I already sent the winners their prizes...
but I thought you might want to know...
so here the WINNERS ARE
a Rafflecopter giveaway
and well that is it...
back to the classroom tomorrow...
or should I say back to the wooden library chairs
more training... fingers crossed my facts get read tomorrow!!!