that's right...
BUT before we get started...
I want to thank Megan from....

she is adorable... go check out her blog and see for yourself
alright alright alright...
let's do this...
I am in love
L.O.V.E with little campers...
i want one..
actually Hubs was going to get me one BUT it SOLD... insert super sad face
it was the perfect shade of turquoise
and it was all shabby chic and OH JUST PERFECT
well it was missing the potty and shower...
BUT other than that it was OH so PERFECT!!!
OK enough about the camper that was going to be mine...
somebody needed it more than me...
so what's going on...
listening - I am obsessed with BIG BROTHER...
I use to get Showtime just so I could watch the Big Brother feed...
now I am not so cray BUT I do love me some Nicole...
I really loved Donnie too...
loving- who doesn't love a 3 day weekend... it has been productive and relaxing
and tomorrow I am going up to the school to hopefully get my stuff copied... fingers crossed
the copier is WORKING... I am not holding my breath!!!
thinking- Bub's birthday is coming up... FAST
I have to order his cake for the party and cookies for his class
for both he wants R2D2... he is my Hubs son...
I puffy {heart} my nerds
wanting- do you remember I said my house flooded during the summer???
well we are still without baseboards and carpet and sheetrock in most of our rooms...
they are suppose to come next week to start getting us back together...
they want us to move into a hotel...
UMMMM NOPE that ain't gonna happen...
they had agreed to do one room at a time or a couple at a time...
if you don't remember... ALL except one room in my house got damaged
I can't move into HOTEL... we have pets and a 5 year old and well let's face it...
I am a brat and I don't want to
OH and not to mention my roof is getting done next week too... thanks HAIL storm!!!
needing- NOTHING
I am truly blessed
I have a lot to be thankful for
3 trips-
you have to state your TOP 3 places you have never been BUT want to vaycay there one day
OK YEAH... I have NEVER EVER EVER been to VEGAS... am I like the only one???
I was going to head to the TpT conference this summer BUT... we had already planned a trip
to see my Mississippi Grandma and I NEVER miss a trip to The Sipp to see my Gma
my goal is to go there next summer... we will see
I would love to see Paris... OOH LA LA
and ever since I did a report about the Galapagos Islands in 4th grade I have wanted to go there...
I have read recent reports that tourism is killing its habitats.... soooo i will
NOT contribute to that
that's depressing right???
ok so enough of how Farley would never go to her NUMBER one dream vacay because she would have major guilt that she somehow ruined the Galapagos...
soooooo here is yours....
I finally did it...
I made a RULES poster
even though I don't really have RULES RULES...
well I kinda do...
but they are EASY...
and I was tired of typing them over and over...
even though I had to type them again for the poster
sooooo here are the BUCK n RULES...
ha ha ha get it???