and you know what that means....
HOLLA like a Leprechaun!!!
and this Currently is brought to you by....
click on the button below to head on over to her blog...

I love how cute Kate's blog is...
you really need to head on over there...
she is a 2nd grade teacher from San Diego...
her newest creation is super cutesy...

There are 6 pages of activities in each book, two sorts (one simple, one advanced), and some other word finding/organizing activities. Kate made this to be a streamlined process for the entire year of Word Study. They are great for the whole class and for interventions later in the year. These are super duper easy to prep (which I love!!) and they help keep the sound/spelling patterns organized for the year. This product includes ten mini-workbooks. There are pictures to anchor the spelling patterns. The patterns are long vowels, diphthongs (laugh every time I say this word), and r-controlled vowels.
These are so cool because this is a really tough skill, but this makes it super fun! It can be used as a center, but gets the kids up and moving. Kate is a genius and scatters the bags all around the room and lets the kiddos wander and work. It's really engaging and a great intro to teaching expository writing. Non-Fiction and Fiction available.... Yeah!
if you are interested in any of those...
here are the links... for your easy browsing needs...
Mini Workbooks are here...
Non-Fiction Main Idea Bags are here....
One more thing I wanted to share with you was this blog post...
It is soooo cool how she made this art project

I LOVE art projects and this is going on my to do list for next winter...
head on over to the link and see all of the directions :)
I wanted to tell Kate... THANKS for sponsoring the CURRENTLY for the month of March
If you want to be a sponsor or even have a little or big ad on my blog...
look all the way up and click on advertise...
it has all of the 411
prices range from $75 to $5...
so there is something for everyone :)
prices range from $75 to $5...
so there is something for everyone :)
*************************currently time*************************
hubs, bubs, and I love some Duck Dynasty...
who doesn't love that... JACK
these are my new shoes...
I think I am going to buy one in every color...
they are leopard moccasins...
I have another pair of Minnetonka moccasins... just plain
they are actually fur lined..... and
they are really slippers BUT
I still wear them as shoes... to school
I am cool like that...
I am having my FIRST official ta ta smash on Friday
I am beyond nervous
my Mama is a breast cancer survivor and well
I am just a little nervous...
I keep telling myself to
mantra if you will...
it is my calm down farley meditation works...
that and shopping :)
that and shopping :)
I need ALL of March off... to SPRING CLEAN
we are officially done with my MIL house... gave the keys to a realtor TODAY
and now I have to get my house back in order...
so I don't need NO STINK-n
one week Spring Break... I need the whole month...
SPRING is longer than a week right???
then why is it called SPRING BREAK
then why is it called SPRING BREAK
and if you are one of those teachers that gets 2 weeks off...
keep it to yourself!!! no bragging allowed :)
that is just not nice
that is just not nice
you have to use ONLY 3 words
that is IT...
and the words have to start with the first letter of your first name...
so I had to come up with words that begin with M...
WHAT? yes
I have a first name...
it is Meghan...
so I like music... I love making my speakers bounce on the way to work...
I like all kinds of music... well maybe not polka but if I can play it loud and sing
like I am on American Idol...
I like that... A LOT
I LOVE markers...
I have like a BAJILLION... kazzillion...
Hi my name is meghan and I have a serious marker addiction...
my faves are sharpies BUT I LOVE me some crayola fine tip...
and I HATE
that is what my life has felt like lately and well ...
NO PITTY PARTY for me...
I am doing my best to get over it ... work through it.... and try new things...
alrighty... that about does it... now it is your turn...
remember the rule of 3...
you need to comment and share the love on the 2 in front of your link and then come back and share some love on the one behind your link...
AND every time I post a CURRENTLY ... I am asked for directions on how to do it...
please help me... I am soooo soooo soooo tired...
not of people asking for directions...
just I see a very comfy bed in my future...
not of people asking for directions...
just I see a very comfy bed in my future...
if you have a tutorial on your blog... please write that in your link title...
Tutorial at (FILL IN THE BLANK )
I need to make a Jpeg that has the directions on it.... BUT well remember MAYHEM!!!
if you make a jpeg pic that I can steal... I mean use let me know in the comments...
If it is SUPER UBER CUTE... I would LOVE to use it in upcoming Currently thingies and I would totally link back to your blog and give you lots and lots of credit... LOTS :)
if you make a jpeg pic that I can steal... I mean use let me know in the comments...
If it is SUPER UBER CUTE... I would LOVE to use it in upcoming Currently thingies and I would totally link back to your blog and give you lots and lots of credit... LOTS :)