so I am going to sum it up for you guys in a
some descriptions
and a little humor...
what kind a blog post would this be without a LOL
alrighty here we go!!!
We started the week with our PLANT unit...
I got a great PLANT UNIT from Nicole Shelby...
great ideas and activities
go check it out here....
we made a plant flip book (idea from N. Shelby) after
I showed them a Brainpop video
the books came out FAB... no pics sorry :(
More plant stuff
One of the biggies is for my kids to observe the life cycle of a plant...
so I bring you our window to germination...
we used an old cd case
(no cracks)
we popped the round thingy that clicks the CD in place out
and then put our soil and seed in
then I taped them shut... really TIGHT
then they wrote their name on the tape...
reason why the kid below is covering the tape :)
and when the round thingy is out... it leaves a little gap at the top...
PERFECT for watering...
ok OK OK
not really PERFECT... because it will leak
BUT for the simple purpose of getting moisture to your seed
YES it does that!!!
can you see how the seed is growing? see it??? |
I am so over the BEANSTALK
about these...
it is WAY better than the baggie!!!
my kids think it is the neatest thing too...
they love being able to see
we watched a WONDERFUL Discovery video on germination
and they made HUGE connections between their seed growing and the video seed
well when we were not studying plants ....
we were doing our
so FUN and I canNOT take any credit...
NONE, nada, goose egg. NOTHING...
all the credit goes to this gal...

see how awesome she is
she got this from one of her kiddos for Teacher Appreciation Week
yes it is OK to be jealous I was OK... I AM!!!
anywho... she organized this WHOLE
MATH OLYMPIC thing and it was SOOO MUCH FUN!!!
we combined with 3rd and each class had to break into 3 groups
each group was assigned a country...
the countries in my room were
China, Finland, and Honduras
each team had to research their country and make a flag which they presented at our
Olympic Game Opening Ceremonies... each team marched down the hall with their flag and teammates...
HIGH FIVES were given
except my kids... I warned them... think how many germs are being passed with all of these high fives... so my trained germaphobes did not high five
AND I was the last parade participant and handed out a good blob of hand sanitizer to
EVERY SINGLE Olympian... EVERY ONE OF THEM... germs are NASTY!!!
anyways here are some pics of our Olympics...
backstroke relay |
water squeeze |
OK so these are the only pics that would load...
AHHHH why does blogger play with me like that...
am I the only one that wishes pics loaded a little faster???
or load at all... I seriously tries like 503 times b/c I love you guys and wanted the pics to show you
Ok so the 2 pics that did load are from the water events
we had 3 days... and ALL were a BLAST!!!
and guess what Melissa (my teaching buddy) is working on getting this Olympic Activity ready
for TpT... it will be her first product on TpT and it is going to be FAB... I will give you the
when it is ready!!! :)
I had a busy Friday afternoon...
do you see all the cut up fruit, roots, nuts, and leaves?
we had an edible plant party
(again ideas from N. Shelby...I combined 2 activities into 1 because of time)
all of the kiddos brought in an edible fruit, leaf, stem, nut, seed, or root.
They had a ton of fun... me not so much!!!
Cutting all of the food was work!!!
and the knife never left my sight... NEVER!!!
we practice all types of classroom safety!!!
Some of the edible plants were....
watermelon, lemon, lettuce, bell pepper, cucumber, egg plant, edemame (is that spelled right?), coconut, cantaloupe, avocado, blueberries, plums, corn, mango, some kind of herb, broccoli, banana, and more I can't remember :)
they had to separate their tastings into groups... leaves, roots, stem, seed, nut, flower, and fruit.
and as they ate... (idea from Nicole Shelby)
did I mention I loved her Unit... LOVE
they filled out an observation sheet asking them about favorite, least favorite, biggest seed, smallest seed, something they learned, a surprise, and a few other fun questions.
They really loved it and it really made them think about how
PLANTS are IMPORTANT in our lives
it also led to great conversations
We have A TON of stuff going on in this pic...
* 2 rows of plantings... potatoes in the back row and Mother's Day Plant in the front row....
SPOILER ALERT FOR MOMS IN MY CLASS...that means you Kari, Shawna, Katina, Amy and Faith's Mom :)...DO NOT KEEP READING IF YOU HAVE A KID IN MY CLASS...head down to the **********
if you do not have a kid in my class keep reading :)
Our Mom's Day Gifts did NOT sprout yet... might be because we just planted them this week...
I know I know... but this week was our plant week... BUT we made up for it in our cards we wrote
I planted something in a cup,
but it has not sprouted up.
So I am leaving it at school,
until it looks really cool.
They worked together to come up with this poem and I think it is AWESOME!!!
They made beautiful cards...
using scrapbook paper and giant circle punches to make a flower on the front of the card and the poem inside... BEE U TEE FULL
OK back to the pic...
* 2 rows of plantings... potatoes in the back row and Mother's Day Plant in the front row
* middle window pane... Germination Windows sitting up in the sun
* 2 bird feeders stuck on the outside (of course)
* 1 bird food finch sack hanging outside our window
* great view of grass FINALLLLLLLLLLY growing outside... still some bald patches but much better
* ONE GREAT gardener...making sure everything is watered for the weekend!!! love that kid
and if you are wondering if we get birds....YES YES WE DO
ask any of those moms mentioned above and they will tell you I LOVE getting bird seed because our birdie friends go through a big bag of bird seed every 2 weeks
but we LOVE THEM!!!
If you have a window that could have a bird feeder... I would highly recommend putting a feeder on it... my class LOVES it!!!
well that about wraps it up...
wish ALL of my pics had loaded... bummer blogger
but I think you get the idea!!!
hope you have a great weekend...