the catch is to not say anything teacher or teaching related...OK so here it goes!!!
1. I love using ...(dot dot dot)
I am not sure how I got addicted to using ...(dot dot dot) but I do and it is just natural.
Sometimes I catch myself putting... at the end of a sentence when all I really needed was just one period.
2. You will never catch me without a camera...(i did it again) I have a Cannon point and shoot and a Cannon dslr. I {puffy} heart taking pictures (especially of my son). I wish I had the time to become a semi-pro at it BUT oh well... maybe one day!!! Here are a few of my faves so far...

3~ I find it appropriate to use this spot for my favorite # ... yep you guessed it #3.
Not really sure WHY but I like collecting the #3. Especially old #3s. I did however change my favorite # to 33 for one year because that was my age!!! (that's how I roll)
4~ my all time favoritest place to shop is
if you are in the Central Texas area YOU have to come check out this store
NOT only is it a FANTABULOUS store
BUT my good friends OWN it
& I work for them (behind the scenes)
click on the pic above to go to their BLOG and you can search for them VIA facebook too.
BESTEST part is we will ship :)
I take pics for them too... see

5~ I like a good party... a well thought out THEMEd party. I LOVE throwing a good party too. I am sure my hubs would tell you I am OCD when it comes to me throwing a party... WHATEVS!!! I still LOVE IT!!!
I get a thrill out of having a great table scape and matching YUMMIES...
A bridal shower I just threw... WHO's Getting Married was the theme

My son's 1st birthday... beach monkey theme

6 ~ Since I have a small obsession with photo taking I need a good editting program...
My darling hubby bought me PHOTOSHOP which I love BUT
PICNIK is great for FAST and quick edits. It is easy to add text and easy to enhance your pics!!!
PLUS it is free... you can pay for an upgrade BUT still some of it is free!!!

7~ saved the best for last...MY BOYS

This was fun... a great way to share a little more about ME with you that doesn't have to do with
TEACHING!!! I hope you enjoyed my Favorite Things (sorry if I put too too many pics). If you want to see more Favorite Things... head on over to Persnickety Pickles.