28 November, 2014

Five for Friday

YAY for Doodle Bugs Teaching for her linky party…
I haven't blogged since the CURRENTLY…
oh my!!!
needless to say it has been a little cray around here and
I feel like this week it has finally calmed down… YAY
I have been relaxing and enjoying my Thanksgiving Break

It is a tradition at our school to have a snowball fight before we go home for Thanksgiving Break…
We throw wadded up paper at each other…
and the paper is our filled out Secret Santa Forms…
at the end of the 2 minute snowball fight…
you grab a snowball and that is who you have for Secret Santa!!! 
It is so much fun!!!!

 Bub got to do the DID YOU KNOW board for the week we get back…
he had a little help from his after school buddy and I think it turned out cute!!!
Can you read it?

SOOOOO lucky I live in the city I teach in…
BUT I really hardly ever run into my kids when I am out shopping… 
and I shop A LOT!!!

BUT when I do run into one…. I LOVE it…
especially when they are all grown up and were one of your FAVES!!!
I asked this one's mommy if I could post this on my blog and she said of COURSE… 

AHHHHHH I love this girl and her family!!! 
she was in that special group that looped with me from 3rd to 4th… 
they have a special place in my heart

so a group of us from school had a girls day
and we painted boots…
thank goodness they had it drawn out for us…
so here is how we got our board
 here are all my crazies

 this cutie… is the one that got it all organized
she is one of my besties… I LOVE HER so much!!!
she left me in 4th and moved to 1st… LUCKY
but you know what she is an AWESOME 1st grade teacher so it was meant to be…
even if we are on opposite sides of the school and I only see her when her class has music and she has to go by my room…. LOL
 almost done… almost…
this stuff stresses me out…
I was trying to have fun and listen and all that jazz
BUT I am a perfectionist and this stressed me out!!!

 all the crazies and our boots!!!

 the next class I want to take is to paint a
seriously… I do!!!
and I am going to hang it in my class…
with my boots…
and I will have signs…
sign 1- if you act like this (pic of donkey)
sign 2- then you get the... (pic of boots)
that would be awesome right!!!???!!!
Our Thanksgiving was so much fun!!!
We always go to my grandparents' house to meet up with family and friends.
Our family tradition is to take a little family selfie in the car.. we have done this for years
I think they are funny!!!
 My nephew introduced Bub to a new game…
kinda like mine craft but not…
I am not even sure…
is it MIND or MINE craft…
all I know is this is like it BUT not it…
my sis in law said it is better for the littles…
no creepers
so that is what he is doing in the background of this pic
and he did it until the phone died… OH MY GOSH
 this is my little nephew!!!
isn't he a cutie patootie!!!

 I did snag some pics of my Bub before he got all hot and sweaty
and before he got sucked into that game

 I am IN LOVE with these pics of him…
he melts my heart…
He is a blessing to me, Hubs, and my entire family...

Hope all of you guys…
had a great Thanksgiving
and I hope you enjoy the few days of break we have left….

Don't forget there is going to be a sale soon…