30 November, 2014

Currently December

Can you believe it is almost Christmas…
It is hard for me to imagine tomorrow is December 1st….

I know tomorrow is going to be so CRAZY with Cyber Monday sales…
especially at TpT!!!
Is your wish list crazy like mine???
I got on to Bub for being greedy with his Christmas list
and then I looked at my TpT wish list and
I felt a little bad for getting on to him…
just a little bad
seriously… how many legos can one kid have..
and they are NOT cheap… and if you step on one of those boogers…
BAD language is guaranteed to fly out of your mouth

nothing on my wish list causes such pain and profanity…

so to get ahead of the TpT sale breaking the internet
(isn't that the new saying… breaking the internet)

I wanted to get the CURRENTLY up and going tonight…
this month's sponsor is the one and only….
love her!!!

so let's get this party started…
 all of mine are pretty self explanatory
except giving…
EVERY December… I try to teach my students that giving is much more rewarding than receiving…
and every day we do a Random Act of Christmas Kindness…
we leave coins in the pencil machine…
we leave erasers or other school supplies randomly around the school…
we give treats to the office staff…
treats to the cafeteria workers…
treats to the custodians…
lots or different things…
and each treat has a RACK tag

I also do this at home.. with Bub….
mail man, sanitation workers, neighbors, friends, fast food drive thrus, coke machines, all different places….
it is a great way to teach the virtue of generosity!!!
so to help you out… I have a freebie in my TpT store that can help you with your
Random Acts of Kindness….
click on the pic below to get your free copy!!!

so before you link up…
they are easy

okie dokie… here is yours…
and if you are a FB follower or follow my IG…
I gave you a heads up and the image early…
so you can get a head start…
I love my followers :)

give a freebie..
give a shout out…
give advice…
give so that others can feel your love