27 July, 2015

Monday Made It B2S Teacher Gift (EASY)

Oh my GOSH!!!
I am sooooo excited about linking up with my friend Tara
for her
This week has been super crazy because we are in the process of moving out…
we are moving in with my parents while our house gets renovated and fixed up…
BUT before we move out I wanted to get all of Bub's B2S stuff organized and ready to go…
one less thing to stress about while we are not in our environment will make our life easier!!!
All of Bub's supplies are bought (not labeled)
and they are in a B2S bag that his sweet teacher can keep!!!
I always LOVE giving his teachers B2S gifts and I like to keep it simple right now…
BUT I also want it to be SWEET… simple and sweet is the best!!!
so here it is… my MONDAY MADE IT…
and I truly made it TODAY!!!
I know!!!
Fo Realz I did…

I saw this idea while at my son's preschool a few years back…
and so I am stealing the idea and making one for Bub's 1st grade teacher!!!
 all of my supplies were from HOB LOB… I forgot to put a white chalk paint pen…
I already had that soooooo...
 spray about 3-5 layers of chalkboard…
I probably could have done a few more layers but I got impatient…
still cute though
 I had my cutie patootie friend Katy write Bub's teacher's name and stuff…
she had to go over it 2-3 times with the paint pen… I also added pretty ribbon long enough to hang on a door
the idea is to have all the kiddos write their names on this letter…
so you will need to supply a chalk paint pen
and if your super sweet you can send your mom in like I am going to do and she will help get the kiddos' names on the B and that way his sweet teacher doesn't have to stress about it…
 MOM doesn't know I would like her to do that…
but she reads this….
SO HEY Mom… you think you can mosey on up to school and help get this thing signed???
Please and Thank You!!!

The good thing is she can hang it in her room wherever… or on the door
and when new kiddos come in
you always get new kids right…
well they can sign the letter too!!!

it was super easy and fun to make

head on over to Tara's Blog and see all of the other neat Monday Made Its!!!
Thanks Tara for hosting this!!!
I might not make something every time BUT I am creeping and checking them all out every time !!!