20 March, 2014

silver linings

Oh Boy...
what a week I have had... and it is not even Friday yet...
Some things I can't go into detail with
BUT let me just tell you this week has been from
H-E- double hockey sticks!!!

It all started Saturday with a stomach bug!!!
NOT pretty people NOT PRETTY!!!
well thank goodness it was only 24 hours of fever puke and more...
what a great way to end my Spring Break...
and then there were things I can't talk about...
and that was Monday and Tuesday
and then Wednesday... I thought my raincloud week was gone...
I got the stomach bug again last night...
so today (Thursday) I took off...
my Mamma came and picked me up at 5 AM to head in to get my sub stuff set up...
I am a freak like that... yes I could have called friends BUT I live like ONE mile away
and I was on EMPTY so it was safe to go in!!!
and to top off today I forgot to send Bub in his Pre K Blue Shirt...
that made me CRY like a baby... I mean UGLY cry... big tears... I felt like the worst MOM ever...
I cried so much my nose swelled up and when my dad dropped Bub off he was like...
WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOUR NOSE... I started crying again!!!

Well let me get to the point of this BOO WHO story...
I am not writing you this to get you to feel sorry for me...
I am writing this because I know we have all been there...

I am in control of my JOY... nothing can take away my JOY not even throw up and big noses.

I keep thinking of Kasey Musgrave's song... Silver Lining
and it talks about how you have to have have a cloudy day to have a silver lining...

so I am choosing to focus on my silver linings...

1. My kiddos LOVED playing this on St. Patrick's Day.

 2. Hubs... I mean my ninja... or is he karate kid.... endways... Ralph and I got some good workouts in between my 2 bouts with the BUG...
between the BUG and Body Pump... I am down a few pounds... YAY

 3.  Every Tuesday night is game night with just Bubs and ME!!!
just the 2 of us... love this time together... even though I lost!!!
 4. I got a new pet!!! My hubby is the bestest in TEXAS... and I got to go get my very own.....
TARANTULA... I named her Talulah Rose!!! She is a juvenile Rosehair and is BEAUTIFUL!!!
She is an iridescent copper color and really is pretty!!!
Hubs and I set all of her stuff up last night... and even though I wasn't there to see my kiddos reactions this morning... I was super excited to know how excited they would be to see her!!! and YES that is me holding her!!! YIKES!!!
 5. Today this was my nurse... she followed my every step today... and I mean every STEP!!!
Mostly we cuddled on the couch!!! That's my Dori Gurl!!!
6.  Every Wednesday night I decorate a napkin for Bub's Thursday's Lunch...
I LOVE doing this!!! and he loves it too.... it always has an I LOVE YOU... a remember your rules section... and a doodle!!! He loves getting them... but I am pretty sure I love making them more!!!

7. I text my mama at like 4:45 this morning and asked if she could drive me to school... she didn't hesitate and came right over... love my mamma

8.  all day long I have been getting how are ya messages... my friends and family are awesome
and I am doing good... i will be back at school tomorrow!!!

9. last but not least... I can keep some applesauce down... YAY and  toast!!!

10. OK one more... packing my lunch for tomorrow will be SUPER EASY

so there you have it...
we all have those poopy days and in my case week
BUT instead of drowning under your stormy black cloud....
focus on the silver linings
focus on your blessings