25 February, 2014

2 funny things happen today

2 funnies I had to share before I forget

so we are reviewing... shapes...
well that right there is funny...
4th graders don't know their shapes...
so funny I want to cry
boo hoo hoo
but that isn't the funny...
one of my little girls...
let me add innocent little sweet sweet sheltered little girls...
was letting me (and the class) know that she remembers
pentagons by saying
ummm NO honey don't say that.
ummm well (thinking about that naughty magazine)
and how do you explain that...
talk about octagons that is how...

we got a bunch of books from our district to celebrate Black History Month
I put them all in a basket...
one of the books was Pink and Say by Patricia Polacco...
when one of my kiddos decided to abandon his
OH I don't know... one millionth book
I suggested getting a book from the Black History Month Basket...
he procedes to ask me why Pink and Say was in the basket...
Pink shouldn't be in this basket
and he was surprised that Patricia Polacco wrote a book about Pink...
are you catching on to what he is thinking....
bless his heart he really thought this book was about PINK...
the rock star...
Did I tell him...
it was the first book he completed in weeks...

and there you have it...
2 funnies
hope these could bring a smile to your face :)