22 December, 2013

Christmas Questionnaire Party

I love a good linky party... 
when I saw this one I knew I had to join...
Thanks Michelle for such a cute idea for a LINKY!!!

Hot Chocolate or Eggnog? 
I love BOTH... but for the past almost 2 years I have only had WATER!!! Just water... not flavored water or carbonated water... just plain water.  I know... boring but I did it to be healthier and now I don't mind it!

Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them underneath the tree? 
Santa left unwrapped presents in a chair by the tree when I was little and Bub gets the same.  He always gets one big gift, a complete outfit (undies and socks included), and a few little gifts.  His elf leaves him a bucket of small goodies and his stocking is usually filled with some chocolate and a new toothbrush.

Colored lights or white? 
WHITE!!! Last year we tried colored lights BUT it just doesn't give the sparkle I like!!! so we are back to white :)

When do you decorate? 
Over Thanksgiving break!

Real or Fake Tree? 
I am allergic to the real... so fake it is!!! For years, I have had my grandmother's tree and I love love love it 
BUT Hubs was tired of putting it together... 
it is truly an antique and comes in like 500 pieces (so worth it IMO) 
but then after putting it together (about 2 hours later) 
you have to put lights on it... 
that part does stink!!!
SOOOOOOOO this year we got a pre-lit tree with the understanding that in our new house we will put up both trees :)

What Tops Your Tree?
This is a fun question... 
my tree only has DISNEY ornaments ONLY!!! so my toppers have to be DISNEY... this year we have Tinkerbell BUT in the past I have had Ursula and Snow White... Ursula is my FAVE but our new tree is too close to the ceiling for her to fit so Tink it is!!!

Favorite Christmas Memories or Traditions?
Every year since Bub was born we go to the Hallmark store and he gets to pick out 2 ornaments... ONE has to be DISNEY for our tree and the other can be whatever he wants... the whatever ornaments go on his tree... this year he only wanted YODA on his tree sooooooo... we have a YODA tree :) 
The purpose for him picking two is so when he gets older and moves away... he can leave his Disney ornaments with me and he can take his tree ornaments with him :)
so his tree will be filled with childhood memories!!! 

Do you remember your favorite gift as a child? 
I remember getting a Dolly Parton Barbie... I loved that!!! 
Do prefer giving or receiving? 
Not gonna lie... I LOVE BOTH...
I love giving... I LOVE shopping for gifts and coming up with fun and unique gifts... I try to find special gifts for all of my loved ones... I shop all year long for Christmas gifts because you never know when you will find that perfect gift for someone!!! 
I also LOVE getting gifts AND I LOVE LOVE LOVE when that gift has lots of thought and care put into it... I put a lot of thought and love into my gift giving and I LOVE when I get that in return!!!

What is your favorite Christmas song? 
Baby It's Cold Outside

Candy Canes. Yuck or Yum? 
Not a fan of hard candy!!! I have a fear of choking and Bub is allergic to red dye sooooooooo YUCK I guess!!! 

Favorite Christmas Movie? 
Mary Poppins
For our class Christmas party... I forgot to bring Prep and Landing and I had Mary Poppins instead...
so I tortured my kiddos with a Disney Musical... they were ok with it... it was kinda funny!!! 
When we were leaving you could here a few of them singing... A Spoon Full of SUGAR....

Do you shop online or at stores?
BOTH!!! Amazon Prime is awesome for sending my out of town gifts and NO LIE I LOVE to SHOP SHOP SHOP... we live less than a mile away from a shopping center and it has all of my FAVE stores... TJ Maxx, Target, Hob Lob, and COSTCO!!! 

Photo Cards, Letter or Store Bought Card? 
Photo Cards... 
here it is...
front and back

that was fun!!! 
hope to see you join Michelle's Linky!!!