08 September, 2013

the making of an interactive door

OK I posted this a little early...
I am now going back and linking this up with my bestest buddy Tara for her 
WONDERFULLY Fantastic....

after you read about my door come back and click on the pic above
head over to Tara's to see LOTS of cool Made Its

my mom had an interactive door
for years before she retired
and I have been doing them since I started teaching
we both used a chart tablet  or chart paper on the door.
I wanted something SUPER cute and decided to do it this way...
I am going to be honest...
a few years my class make-up was NOT conducive with an interactive door... so they didn't do it
BUT no fear... I try it every year with my kiddos and you can tell right away if it is going to work...
THIS YEAR it is going to work... YAY
I usually change questions or titles... every week or two.
I am so excited to share this with you guys and look forward to hearing what you have to say :)

and on a side note
it is somebody's 5th birthday today!!!

he started PreK last Tuesday and LOVED it!!!
I was a little nervous for him...
BUT I did NOT cry which was a feat in itself!!!
my little bub is growing up!!!
Happy Birthday BUB...
and poor baby woke up with a fever and runny nose...
so dinner plans have been canceled and a full day of cuddles and new toys are on the menu!!!