10 August, 2013

two linkys, friends, and I'm From Texas Y'all

Ok so it is Saturday and I am late to the FIVE for Friday!!!
but I am going to join a day late...
BECAUSE I LOVE this linky

and and and I am also joining up with my friend... Miss Nelson for

both of these linkys are about sharing what you have been doing
and I hope it is ok with the girlies that I have joined both
I couldn't pick just one and so I just did both!!!
both of these blogs are in my top FAVES so picking was just so hard...
so both it is....

one of my teacher friends
like I really KNOW HER
I teach with her
my hubs doesn't even ask anymore if I REALLY know a teacher friend
I'll say like...
man you should see what Tara made or man Jen is at the beach again...
in the past he would ask
bloggy teacher friend or real teacher friend???

HELLO they are my real friends...
I just have never met them...
what evs...
people get married after online dating...
why can't I have real friends from blogging...
he's over it and educated in my real friends so
back to the wedding...
last Sunday a teacher from my school got married...
so of course it was like a pre back to school get together....

 and of course I have to take selfies...
HI my name is Farley and I take WAY too many selfies...
is it because I know my best angle...
why yes yes it is...
so here is a collection of wedding selflies
minus the one in the middle
unless hubs has a GO GO gadget arm...
but sadly he does NOT
but we do have a very tall friend that knows my best angle too

 and here is the best selfie from that night...
me dancing to the Boot Scootin Boogy
What what...
I'm from Texas Y'all
we do that!!!
here's proof

got a nice little package in the mail from my friends at Ticonderoga...
OK now they are my made up friends.....
I don't really know them and I really only write to them in a response to their emails...
YES YES.... I will take a box of goodies...
I am not stupid...
when Ticonderoga asks you if you want a box of goodies... you say YES
and hopefully with further email correspondence this could turn into a real friendship...
I mean I already LOVE their pencils... LOVE

went to my classroom...
looks GREAT HUH???
Oh my golly
it is a mess... one of my bookcases broke and is now upside down
 and ALL of the books that were on it
are now...
on the floor
they don't want me putting my desks down until the workers can come fix my bookcase...
they might need to take it away...
oh MY!!!
not gonna think about that...
at least my helper is cute!!!

my super, sweet, adorable,
puts up with me, and always takes a day off to help me in my classroom
put this together for me...
from IKEA

please ignore the other mess... it is not prettified yet...

if you know me...
you know I wanted a moose in my classroom
well all SUMMER I have been on the lookout for a moose
and well this is TEXAS Y'ALL
and well moose are hard to find...
BUT deer are NOT...
meet BUCK
my new class mascot...
I love him
he once belonged to my father in law
and through a chain of events he is now mine...
well not officially mine...
because I can't gold glitter his mount BUT
he is mine
I can dress him
so that makes me happy
I seriously took a trip to Goodwill just to shop for BUCK
and I got him his own suitcase full of dress up accessories...
and here he is...
ready for the first day of school...
he has a nice tie, reading glasses, and a pencil behind his ear...
I am on the look out for great vintage hats... 
because of course he is going to need a hat too
seriously!!! I {puffy} heart my BUCK!!!

and that about wraps it up...
I mean what other teacher can end with a deer in her room!!!
I know it is slightly cray cray but that is me and
I'm from TEXAS Y'ALL!!!
