17 August, 2013

five for friday, wonky f, and the dishes are waiting

thank goodness for Doodle Bugs Teaching
and her 5 for Friday
even though I am usually a day late
I still LOVE LOVE LOVE that I can reflect on my week
I think it is a blessing to able to sit and reflect about my past week's yays and nays
so here we go...


So my teacher buds...Kari and Shawna decided to throw a back to school party 
with a twist...
a few of us got together to paint a monogram for our rooms...
they came out super cute...
BUT I felt rushed at the end...
RUSHED and I had to QUICKLY put on my "f"
and I am not too happy with it... it is kinda wonky on one side
well lesson learned... don't rush
plus who cares... 
it is going to hang in my room and it is all about the memories made with my friends
and not my wonky f

got a box of goodies from BIC
they sent me enough of their new highlighter tape for ALL of the classroom teachers at my school
I passed these out with their book study book...
I also had FAB door prizes to ease the blow of a year long book study...
I am in charge of the book study which we will be reading and implementing ALL YEAR
so little gifts were needed I think and these were PERFECT...
the book we are reading is by my FAVE 
Jeff Anderson
here is a link just in the chance you might want to check it out...
it is a NECESSARY read for writing teachers...


I LOVE me some watermelon... 
like LOVE LOVE LOVE it,,,
and please tell me why seedless watermelons still have seeds...
is there a ratio of acceptable amounts of seeds before it is called seedless...
and if there is a ratio HOW DO YOU KNOW because the seeds are inside...
instead of seedLESS it should just say LESSseeds... 
am I right???
I mean really how often do you get a true SEEDLESS one... 
like never...
anyways I thought this watermelon was smiling at me...
my friends on Instagram said it looks like fallopian tubes...
yeah I see that too
BUT my fallopian tubes and I are not friends so I don't want to give them 
blog time sooooo
to me it is a cute smiling LESS seeds watermelon
and BOYYYYY let me tell you that watermelon was
the bomb.dot.com... delicious


this was my outfit for my 2nd day back to work...
AHHHHHH I am back to work
I am sad sad sad
but at the same time I am excited to get a new year going...
I've seen my list and it is filled with sweet kiddos YAY!!!
soooooo this was my outfit...
it brought lots of smiles and LOLs
I am planning on wearing this same outfit on meet the teacher night... 
yes I am repeating an outfit... 
if it's that cute you gotta rock it again???
plus only my teacher friends saw it and the kids and parents will LOVE it too!!!
PLUS let's face it E or People or TMZ will not be reporting that Farley repeated an outfit!!!
let's be real
if you want to know where I got this amazing tee...
head on over to this link.... HERE
call them they ship BUT these go fast and don't be surprised if they are sold out :(


so this was my Friday night....
and soon it was Bub and Hub

super cute....
super annoying...
I had things to do
this was at 7:00
hubs was going to set up a new printer...
he promised to do the dishes
and well I guess I can forgive him...I mean look how CUTE they are
so what did I do...
I joined them...
I fell asleep on the couch HA HA HA
material things can wait...
and those dishes are waiting for him... hee hee hee

one last thing...
by now you have probably heard of

Everything in my store will be 20% off and if you use the promo code BTS13 you can get another 8% off. Thanks to Krista for the über cute sale button!!  I have my wish list over flowing with her cuteness!!! So if you are like me you will be spending much of today wish listing and prepping... and mañana buying buying buying!!!