26 April, 2013

FIVE, Fiesta, and Fredericksburg

It is that tie again... 

I always like this link up because it gives me a chance to reflect on my week's blessings
in and out of the classroom.
This week was a STATE TESTING week... BLEH
excuse me I think I just threw up in my mouth!!!

OK back to blessings
since the last week was that...
we didn't do too much in the classroom
BUT what we did do I took pics of it 
so join me now for my FIVE 
but there are more than five pics *wink*

I realized you might need a better up close and personal pic of...
no NOT our new custodian
but of our fab nest building supply holder....

I have to say our new custodian is
his first day was the day I discovered the
so he was initiated into our school family on a very sour slimy note!!!
and now my room has flies...
lots and lots of FLIES
and let's just say they were actively monitoring during the test too...
I know I have personally swatted over 30 of them into little fly heaven...
and let me tell you they are HUGE.
I think they are full on opossum guts
but hey what do I know...
I wrote cocoon
anyways our new guy...
I'll call him Mr. D
is our official FLY WRANGLER
yee haw
welcome to Texas Mr. D

and that my friends is that...
next week we have some fun things in store in my classroom
I mean I am now able to spread my wings and fly...
state testing traps me like a CHRYSALIS and now that it is over
I can spread my wings and SOAR...
hopefully our little injured butterfly is NOT a metaphor for my future week...
but hey having sugar water and fresh flowers delivered daily isn't too bad... right?


please head on over to my buddy Reagan's blog and support a wonderful cause
PURTY PLEASE go check out her fund raiser...
link above the pic
thanks so much!!!