16 February, 2013

rodeo, valentine, and upcoming give away

It is Sat.... but I am just now getting to sit down and do a blog post!!!

and I so want to join in on all the fun from
here's a link...
am I a nut or what ... I can sometimes make a link on a pic or words and then sometimes NOT...
OBVIOUSLY today I cannot... BLAH

so what has been going on here....
like ALWAYS we have been super UBER crazy BUSY!!!!

 how fun is it to look back at your week and see all the things that have made you who you are...
fun times, work, and blessings 
I have one more thing I need to talk about...
and will have a blog and give away soon... like tomorrow night
*wink* wink*
I have been reading this great book and you need to pick up a copy of it too
the author contacted me and sent me a copy and offered a give away to go along with it...

************************ squirrel ***************************
I want to thank all of y'all for your love, support, and complete understanding while my family has been going through this speed bump.  We have spent nearly every waking moment over at her house cleaning and organizing and boxing and donating and just trying to get the estate settled.... our goal is to get the house done by the end of the month...
for our sake we need to have it done by the end of the month...
we need to get back to our routine
and then I can get back to blogging more
so again thanks for all of your kind comments and for your support
and of course prayers!!!
