13 December, 2012

winners, Gertrude, and desk notes

I have winners...

congrats to my winners...
I have sent the winners notification emails
PLEASE send me your address
I need them

a Rafflecopter giveaway a Rafflecopter giveaway

thanks so much to all of you that entered!!!

what was that... ...... SQUIRREL>>>>>>>>

I have a SUB for tomorrow...
not for a mental holiday
not for a get my Christmas shopping done day
not for anything fun day
it is for Gertrude
Gertrude is my ganglion cyst
just the word is YUCKY YUCK YUCK
and so we now refer to her as Gertrude... much cuter
well she is getting evicted
she has been with me for most of my life...
at least as long as I remember!!!
she has been acting up and is no longer wrapped in a nice cushion of FAT
so she is not only causing pain but some tingling falling asleep
my fingers won't wake up PROBLEMS...
out she comes...
not to mention because I have had her for so long....
she grew fingers... tentacles... branches....
whatever you call them they are now intertwined
and mingling with my wrist bones... FUN!!! *sarcasm*
so that party needs to be broken up!!!
and then we need to mention that Gertrude is bossy...
she has caused a major artery to
UM well how do I put this...
well she has shoved it over and it is not flowing like it should
and do I need to mention the nerve she is now resting on because there is no longer a layer of fat between them...
pressing on a nerve is NOT NICE
at all!!!
Gertrude is a pest now...
I don't like to be pestered...
she is a pain in my wrist!!!

 so she is now an unwelcomed guest and at 7 in the morning will be REMOVED for good
so long Gertrude....SO LONG!!!!

So with my minor wrist surgery and Gertrude removal comes a need for a sub...
don't you hate getting ready for a sub... I loathe it...
absolutely hate getting a sub!!!
but I can't give the  kids a day off
so a sub it is....

I wanted to share something I do before I leave for the day
knowing I have a sub coming the next day...
I leave them notes on their desks.... not all of them but some of them!!!

I make sure they know to show their mamas thank you cards....

I have a personal assistant... don't be jealous... well I wanted to remind this week's assistant to be extra helpful!!!

and even if they don't get a personal note...they do get some love!!!

the kids LOVE this
I try to change it up
it is important to leave these notes on the desks of the kiddos that need a friendly reminder
BUT it is equally important to leave them on the kids that don't need reminders too!!!
AND I know some of you are like
OH MY she wrote on their desks
it will wipe right off ...
dry erase markers and a baby wipe :)

alrighty that about does it!!!
wish me luck I am a little nervous about this procedure!!!
but I know I am in good hands with my bad hand...
