27 September, 2012

alphabet, helicopters, and XANADU

SO guess what happened to me yesterday???


ok nope that isn't it...
in the words of one of my FAVE kinder teachers
what the french fry YO?!?!?

but before I tell you the story let me tell you about this writing strategy thingy I learned today... I am sure it has been around for a LONG time and a day
it is new to me and maybe it is new to one of YOUS GUYS... ( I meant to put that)

first have the kiddos write the entire alphabet at the top of their paper
then tell them they can only start their sentences with words that begin with the letters at the top of their page... once they use that letter they have to cross it out and can't use it again....
so I am going to practice that right now in the story about the lockdown...
and I am going to write it in FARLEY BLOG style with total disregard for proper sentence anything... so if this offends you I am sorry and believe me I don't teach FARLEY BLOG style to my kiddos... we have important state tests to pass (sarcasm)


Yesterday... my school went on a lock down!!!
At first...I was semi OK with it because our FAB nurse, Frenchie, had filled me in on what was going on.  Mrs. Principal came on the intercom and told us we were going to do a practice lock down.  The kids thought it was because we had 3 stray dogs running loose before school started AND I let them continue to think that incorrect assumption. Seconds turned into minutes as I began the lock down procedures.  Just as I got my class settled into silent reading time...we heard SIRENS and HELICOPTERS. OF COURSE this was the end to SILENT reading time and the kids started speculating "why would helicopters be needed for 3 stray dogs?????"  I was starting to get nervous too...especially when the helicopter were obviously circling our school. "FARLEY!!!" I said to myself... don't freak out. What I have not told you is I AM SUPER AFRAID of big flying things flying over my head... mostly airplanes and helicopters and blimps (but when am I really around blimps???  BUT I am sure if there was one around me I wouldn't want it flying/floating above my head.) Quickly I quieted them down again... just in time to hear the helicopter STOP!!! Propellers were whirling and stirring and the sound was reDONKUlous!!! Right away I ran to the window to peak out... the grass was swirling (like you see on the movies) and the ceiling was undulating (like you see in shotty construction).  VERY FREAKED out now I kept looking for the FREAKIN copter... I couldn't see it!!! Don't think I forgot we were under lock down and I shouldn't be peaking out of my blinds BUT at that moment I am pretty sure I could have taken down the HULK because I was so CRAY CRAY that a HELICOPTER was hovering above my classroom!!!! By now the class was SILENT... their eyes were like WHAT THE FRENCH FRY YO!!! Concerned that my fear was now showing on my face... I walked to my desk on the opposite end of the room and started putting grades into the computer.  Right away the kids continue to silently read (OK OK some of them were NOT reading but for the most part 95% of my kiddos were doing what they should have been doing HELICOPTERS HOVERING have magical powers like that!!!!))) Under the magical powers I continue to put grades in and then the hovering slowly disappears!!! Hours passed and I had all my papers graded and in the computer and I had my desk organized and my kiddos were well into the 533rd chapter of their novels.  Next thing you know... the principal announces that if the kids need to be released to go to the bathroom they need to be escorted by the instructional aides located in each hall.   EVERY single hand went up!!! ZONKERS!!! Good grief ... I sent them out one at a time and they came back with the most absurd stories of what was REALLY going on!!! Really some of the stories were insane!!! Xanadu ended after about 2 hours and I was GLAD....Let me tell you what really happened MAYBE... rumor has it a boyfriend got cray CRAY and broke into girlfriend's home and girlfriend's dad met boyfriend's head with a baseball bat... boyfriend escaped... girlfriend's dad called PoPo and the chase was on!!!

and that my friends is the end of my  alphabet lock down story...
I am pretty sure I got all the letters...
but if I missed one... I still get an A for effort...

hope you could get a good laugh and a good writing strategy
and I know XANADU was like some great and wonderful thing RIGHT? it was with Olivia Newton John and all so probably it was some good thing...
BUT now that I think of it...
wasn't there roller skates and metallic tights and sweatbands ALL over that movie...
OK well then YES it was SCARE-EEEEEEEEE like XANADU!!!
