15 April, 2012

winner, sale, and fever

a Rafflecopter giveaway

so a winner was picked for the Currently Linky Party...
YAY Delighted...
if you could please email me so I can send your info to Katie and
she can get your 31 Lunch Tote mailed out to you today!!!

a BIG thanks to Katie for sponsoring the give away!!!
thanks Katie!!!

and if you haven't noticed... there is a sale going on at TpT!!!
of my store is on sale
and the SWEET girls who started this sale...
decided to not EXCLUDE anyone so if you are running a sale
copy and paste the cute banner into your blog too!!!

this post is going to be short and sweet
my bub has fever again
3 days in a row
already went to Dr.
he is on antibiotics and a larger dose of Children's Motrin
poor baby
and basically I am worn down from it and so is Hubs
so this is going to be a LAZY Sunday
and I might have to make sub plans
depending on hot stuff!!!