23 April, 2012

fever, 4 hours, & freebie

what what holla
I have officially been fever free for
24 hours...
first time since last Thursday...
I even went to school today
got sent home early
BUT hey I went to school
it counts right...
OK maybe not
my half day sub  showed up at 9:45 ( I LOVE Mrs. R)
and I was home by 10
I need to rest up for tomorrow
because my kiddos get to take the
STAAR test
and I get to walk around for 4 hours
and trying not to cough
and monitoring and drinking cold cold ICE cold water
because that is what I can drink without it hurting
4 hours of trying to not have a coughing fit
4 hours of walking around and not wheezing
4 hours of walking around and hoping I don't have one of those really big coughs
where OOOPs yep I did... (read between the lines...ok I tinkle on myself... alright I said it...)
4 hours of torture
BUT why
am I going to do this
because my kiddos need me there
that is why!!!
and they are going to ROCK IT!!!
 and then when I turn my tests in
around noonish
I am going to come home again
because I have to rest to do it ALL over again on Wednesday!!!
another 4 hours...
and ladies and gents there is a moral to my little story!!! (cough cough)

available FO FREE in my TpT store...

any little prayers or positive mojo you want to send my way (and my kiddos too) is very much appreciated!!!
off to rest and not blog :)