12 March, 2012

What is a BIRCHBOX? here it is!!!

I can count on 2 hands and half a foot
how many of y'all asked about
So I bring to you my MARCH BIRCHBOX!!!
It came in the mail SERIOUSLY like 15 minutes ago
I grabbed my phone and click, click, click, clickity click click...
I now present to you a
step by step to MY MARCH BIRCHBOX
hopefully this will answer some of those questions you have...
and if you are a BIRCHBOX girl...
this could be a SPOILER
IF you do NOT have your March Birchbox yet... so be warned!!!

it comes in the mail like this....bright pink box = HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY

I open it like this...

inside you find this
another box :)

take the lid off to see this
honestly I don't read this
OK maybe at the end
I read it because
it gives you the 411 of all your fab products

take the card off and you see this... pink tissue...heart pitter patter....

TA DAAAAA.... here is what is in the pretty pink tissue
the first time I got one of these I was completely
impressed by the presentation

first item... nice trial size
will use this FO SHO

2nd item YEPPERS I will use these
I will put these in my purse when I am done here

3rd item... sample shadow from Stila...
nice colors... I have BIG eyelids...
hope it covers
will try this maybe for the meet up

the little wrapped gift is always my favorite..
look at my wrinkly thumb
can you tell I have been cleaning all day
my fingers are pruney

HOLLA.... look what we have here

this smells like fresh lemons... DELISH

detox tea....hmmm...not a detox kinda girl
BUT I am sure I might have some friends that need this

blurry...but BRIGHT... already have ONE thumb
painted and I LOVE LUV LOVE it
called Lava Lamp

so there you have it...
I hope this answers your questions about what a BIRCHBOX is
and maybe it will show you if you would like it...
you fill out a question thingy majiggy so they know what you
like and don't like and SOOOOO
you might get something different than me
I have 2 friends who also get BIRCHBOXes
and we never get the same things...
we might double on one or two but it is FUN to see what the other gets!!!
If you think this is something you might like then head on over to BIRCHBOX
just click on the last pic to take you there!!!
OK I am off to paint some lava lamp on my nails :)
************added after teeny asked HOW MUCH?**************
