04 August, 2011

Farley's HiSsY FiT...

Not even sure how to start this post…

I am feeling really snarky

BEFORE I get into my BEEF

let me SAY thanks so much to those that joined my linky party
you make my heart SING (a little ni hao kai lan for ya)

Anywho I just was going about my daily pinterest stalking and
what do I see!!!
something familiar…

I was thinking OK OK I look at stuff on Pinterest and I get ideas…
I went to the blog the pin was taken from and
insert huge over exaggerated frowny face…


getting to my main point…

OK OK I know imitation is the best form of flattery
BUT I am sure Jennifer Aniston loved that so many people copied her hair style off of FRIENDS
thousands and thousands of girls did it… I did
BUT the hair style was called THE ANISTON CUT!!!
she got credit...
do you get where I am going?

I share and I share a lot and I want all of my LUVERLY followers to take take take… I even state way down on the right hand side of my blog
that you can take, borrow, and steal BUT give credit PUHLEASE!!!
I spend a lot of time creating and designing my freebies
I even on occasion contact digi-scrapbooking artist to get written permission to share things using their artwork

and ….

fair warning…

I should not be pinning and see my
did I mention

and it is labeled “blah blah blah”

I got this from Farley or Oh Boy 4th Grade…

because let’s face it
if that had been done
I wouldn’t be up at midnight …
OK I would be up at midnight because I watch BB after dark
BUT I would not be up writing this I could still be PINNING!!!

so here it is…

I am going to lay it out…


if you see something on here that you like and you want to make the same thing but let’s say you want to have a turtle background instead of the background I used
(it was not a turtle background… all backgrounds will remain anonymous to protect the guilty)
and let’s say you copy my phrasing word for word for word and
word word word word word word and word
and you copy my style
then you need to give me credit
I am REALLY OK FINE with you copying me with credit given…
I give credit when-ever I can and I try my DARNDEST to make sure I do
is darndest a word… not sure

you just changed the background
that is all you did…
and then you go and sell it!!!


OH NO that is just wrong.
cone of shame WRONG (a little UP for ya)
or BOX of Shame ( a litte Despicable Me for ya)

I am upset about this…
I will take this and learn something from it!!!
& get over it!!!

maybe not today but I will get over this…
(maybe tomorrow’s purchase of my new teacher’s tote will help me get over it…maybe)

I realize this does not pertain to 99.999999999999999% but but but but
I felt it necessary to say to that less than 1%... I am watching you!!!
I got my ANGRY TEACHER FACE ON and I am watching you

now back to BB after dark and

I am letting my MOM
look at this before I send it
because my MAMA is MAD too!!!
and she is a retired teacher and
and she gets my SNARK-asm (snarky + sarcasm)
and she will tell me if this is blog worthy
(she stalks me) & i {puffy} heart that!!!
so if your reading this it is also Mama Approved!!!

and and and if you want to KNOW what my new tote is…
go google Consuela totes…
UMMMMMM I am feeling better already
thinking of my new TOTE!!!
I got the GRANDE teal one…
((((SIGHING in Consuela BLISS))))

thanks for making it through my hissy fit!!!
I am feeling MUCH better!!!

 and to end on a HAPPY HAPPY NOTE!!!
(chorus singing in background)
THANKS to all that LINKED up
I think I am going to do that linky party once a month!!! YAY

(thinking happy thoughts * CONSUELA TOTE * entering into a happy place)