08 August, 2011

classroom sweet classroom

walked into this...
don't be jealous...
small room ~ maybe air conditioning ~ too many desks ~ too many chairs
ohhhh classroom sweet classroom

 starting the classroom shuffle
 looking better? MAYBE
maybe NOT
 too many chairs!!!
and too many desks

 that huge table is going to a new room
BUT I have to unload it first!!!
 small group table...use to be my desk
are you green with envy???
my room looks like Kermit blew up
can you tell I am in the GREEN hall!!!

 my desk with a long table....
I snagged this SUPER HUGE desk from
a retiring teacher... LUV it!!!
I added the table in front of it because my doc camera
has to be by my teacher computer and the plug is
RIGHT there!!!
my options are few and far between!!!
not set on this though!!!
 got this peg board from the trash last year!!!
will have to make it work somewhere!!!
it is OBVious
that I still have a TON to do!!!
I will be back up there manana and
will take more pics for you!!! MAYBE!!!
go back for REALS Wednesday!!!