01 October, 2015

CURRENTLY October 2015

Oh my poor little blog…
Oh how I have missed you
Oh how I wish I had so much more time for you…
but I promise after I am done with X, Y, and Z I will be back…
and you my friend will have a pretty little makeover that will just be BUCK WiLd….AH-MAZING!!!
Until then… let's CURRENTLY on…

Dirt Road Teacher

Thank you to this month's Currently Sponsor!!!

and now on with the show…

we are in the process of selling our house and 
and and and 
BUYING a new house…
and and and 
we are still living with my parents!!!
enough said….

Ok now it is your turn….

for the last question…
what makes you feel boo-tiful
or what is boo-tifull to you
any thing boo-tifull

Rule because I have to…