28 January, 2012

John Travolta, rings, and other things

I can't remember the last time I woke up on a Sat. Morning
yep a SATURDAY MORNING (5:30 people)
so excited
to head to a PD
I have been waiting for this PD
since they announced it like 4 weeks ago!!!
I heard that Jeff Anderson was a phenom presenter
and my ears didn't lie to me...or my friends!!!
My friends (Kenoyer and Itty Bitty (yes her nickname is my dog's nickname..i didn't nickname her I can only take credit for my dog... both are cute as the Itty Bitty name indicates))
anywho... my friends and I left early to get a GOOD seat
we got there and to our great surprise
we got a FREE (HOLA) book
not just any ole book
his NEW book
HOLA again!!!

10 Things Every Writer Needs to Know

I won his other book at an on campus PD
and read it right away
do I need to say it again to get the point across
changed my life as a teacher...
I carry it with me constantly...
in my purse and read it all the time
I refer to it constantly in class
I tell my hubs about it
even if he is not really listening

it is dog eared, sticky noted, written in, & loved!!!
I have even slept with it :)
Everyday Editing

and so back to the PD
Jeff went through his book in the most entertaining way
and talked about teaching
TEACHING writing
focused on Expository
sounds boring?
it takes a lot to entertain this chica (pretty sure that means hot chick in the Farley Dictionary)
he used songs and hand movements
and jokes and facts and clever sayings like
* you have to catch them on fire
* you can't make anything if you don't throw the clay on the wheel
* if you want the correct answer give a worksheet but if you want them to learn have a discussion (this is not his quote he was quoting someone else but he said it and I wrote it)

It was unreal
I was in LA LA Land
which usually only occurs when I am in the presence of an unbelievable sale...
like take another 50% off
at Nordys...
or when I met John Travolta and his hair was in my mouth
because that is how close he was to my face
and for a second or two I thought I might be able to bite a piece of it off
without him noticing
but decided against it
I was in that kind of LA LA Land

I don't want to give all of the PD details away
because I am pretty sure it is all in his book
which I will start reading TONIGHT and
might have to sleep with it too!!!

He was so sweet at the end of the session
which was only half a day
THO SAD it was only half a day
at the end he signed every single person's book
and I got a picture too!!!!
you can tell I am in that JT moment...
I mean am I cheesing it up or what!!!

I did want to leave you with this...
at the beginning of his session
Jeff talked about tree rings
and how during a drought or rough conditions they are small
and during favorable conditions they grow thick
he said we all have rings too
and our rings show what we have experienced in life
and your experiences are forever in your rings
he related this to writing
but I took it to heart as a TEACHER
what I do in my class will forever be with my students
am I giving them the right environment to grow?
Jeff told us that 91% of what we teach is prepared or worksheets
he encouraged us to read and write more

this comparison and fact led me to come home and of course make a poster...

toodles (my new sign off... my aunt says this when she gets off the phone...cute?...let me know!!!)

26 January, 2012

team edward

My good friend over at happydally is having a give-away
and I am like the Horrible No Good Very Bad Friend...

I should have entered this give away on day one
and I didn't
I wear the cone of shame.... and the topic is
and link up...


 NO it is NOT the vampire...edward
vampires kinda freak me out
maybe it is the blood
or fangs
or not really sure...
the only vampire I really like is well
Count Chocula
or the
Vampire Jonn Travolta
played in a SNL skit
so NO I am NOT

it is the ever changing
I read this book every
will except this year because I looped
EVEN though they would love to hear it again
I am SURE...
and if they didn't want to hear it
I would read it again anyways
and they will smile because
they know I am the QUEEN!!!
just kidding
maybe *wink*
OK and now I just realized I broke the rules and it is suppose to be a PICTURE BOOK
cone of shame again...
man OK OK OK OK let me think think
it is so easy to pick my favorite book
but picture book....
let me think....
anything by Van Allsburg
I love them ALL
ok here it is my
sorry I couldn't narrow it down to one

anywho go link up for your chance to win happydally's fave book!!!
HURRY it ends Sunday!!!

click here to take you right there!!!

23 January, 2012

get to the point already....

So I found this rap...
from Lil Wayne
called SO SHARP...
I personally do not know this rap
but thought it would be
da bomb
to go with the
pencil sharpener winners reveal...
then I googled the lyrics...
not allowed
so then I thought of
Sharp Dressed Man...
by ZZ Top
again not really
a teacher friendly kind of song...
so I thought and thought some more...
HMMMMMMMMMM (me thinking)
and I couldn't think of another pencil sharpener appropriate song...

and figured I better just get to the point...
ha ha I crack my self up
alrighty here ya go....

OK YAY for the winners!!!
cheers all around...
and for all you non winners
--<  --< --< --< --< BIRD WALK >-- >-- >-- >--
Non winners???
I know
who uses the term NON WINNERS...
me (raising my hand)
I know weird... BUT one time I got in LOTS
of trouble for saying the word
in front of a class...
really I did and it wasn't even like I was calling them LOSERS
I was saying don't be the losers...
we were having a grade level contest
and I said and I QUOTE
"come on you need to bring stuff in because you don't want to be the losers"
well one of those sweeties went home and said I called
after a lot of finger pointing
and tears
and apologies (YES I HAD TO APOLOGIZE)
well after the LOSER APOLOGY of 1783 (dates changed to protect those involved..ME)
I know longer say LOSER
not even the Jim Carrey version LA WHO ZA HER
or the finger L to the forehead...
no way...
and this was not me in grade school
this was me as a teacher
----------------back to the story-------------
all you NON winners
don't be bummed you can go get your own pencil sharpener
right here

for not only giving away ONE sharpener BUT giving away 2
that is so AH-SOME
and if you do decide to go buy ONE or 2
please PLEASE PURTY PLEASE tell him I sent you!!!

This sharpener ranks right on up there with SHARPIES...
there I said it!!!
that is like Unicorns and GLITTER in my world!!!
ok not so  much unicorns..
they are kinda
well I don't know...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE  my sharpener!!
get my POINT??? ha i did it again... point ha ha ha

and just in case you want another random thing... (aka bird walk)
if you didn't catch yesterday's post... head on over there (scroll down maybe)
and get your freebies!!!

TA TA for now!!!
(do you like that ending...
I am wanting a good bye saying...
 I find it necessary to help me just end
my posts...
tell me what you think...
TA TA for now :)

22 January, 2012

Poo, Panic, Packs, & Plans Post

I have done a ton of laundry...
who knew a little 3 year old BOY could have so many
and I did like 3 maybe 4 BIG loads of towels...
why so many
really you do not want the details
BUT it has to do with a  over flowing toilet and poo water...
NUFF said
maybe too much said

SOOOOO there...
that in itself should be enough right???
you would think
to top It off the BELOVED
went MISSING...
insert PANIC
this is a picture of MiMi
from a beach trip a few years ago...
as you can see she goes EVERYWHERE

well MISSING MiMi is a state of emergency in our house...
we searched and searched...
we went through piles of laundry...
thinking the prior emergency (T+ PW)
might have whisked her away into an undesirable place of YUCKINESS...
thanks goodness not in there....
we then
tore apart our bed...3 times
looked under the bed because
Merriweather (the little dog) likes to hide under there
and once in awhile she takes MiMi with her...
we looked outside
because above said little dog also likes to show MiMi her toys outside
we looked in things we had never looked in before...
because WHY?
MiMi has no magical powers
OK she does put my kid to sleep BUT other than that
she cannot transport herself to new places in the house...
minute after minute
the panic was getting worse...
did he take her with him and Dad to Target
I knew the answer was NO but my brain was on
after a few hours NO LIE
we found her...
in the couch
behind the pillows...
smashed all the way down behind the cushions...
OH that was fun...
the funny thing was Drew was not stressed
we were...
MiMi means a lot to us too!!!!
I knew tonight might not be too fun without her
for ALL OF US!!!
YAY we found MiMi!!!

OK so if you made it this far
I know that was NOTHING related to school
BUT I had to get that out there
and to make it up to you I wanted to let you know I posted some
FUN FABULOUS STUFF at Teachers Notebook
in the mix of all this craziness today I finished 2 packs

the first one is a MULTIPLY FAST PACK...

I like to use timed tests to see if my kiddos have mastered their multiplication facts.  This pack is designed to test their mastery.  The goal is to master each letter test in 3 minutes or less,  If you want to set your own time that is OK too!!!  Each kiddo will color in their own MULTIPLY strip, one letter at a time, as they master each letter test.  I have made 2 sets of tests for each letter PLUS an answer key!!! In my class, if they master Test M1 they move on to U1…those that don’t master M1 get M2 next time… BUT you can use this as you wish!!! I have also provided you with a class checklist so you can keep track of their progress.

the next pack I finished is.....

it is filled with VALENTINE FUN

and because I love you and thank you for
reading through my CRAY CRAY DAY
that is Crazy SQUARED (in the Farley Dictionary)
I have some FREE SCHTUFF for
YOU YOU booboopbedoo

to get these freebies go to my Teachers Notebook store
and look for this pic

if you want to purchase these they are at both my TN store and TPT store!!!

Ok look out tomorrow
for the winners of the super cool pencil sharpeners!!!

and now I need to work on my lesson plans... I was thinking I could get them
new principal has GIST meetings scheduled for our planning time tomorrow
YAY I love my planning time being RIPPED from me on a MONDAY
it is the best day eva to take away planning time...
I mean...
I totally stayed late on FRIDAY before my fab meet up to get
everything ready for the next week
I rushed home to get my outfit together and fix my makeup and left everything on my desk
OK so now I really need to go...
lesson plans are calling my name...
ok really i think the housewives are on so
lesson plans

TA TA for now!!!

21 January, 2012

Everything in Texas is bigger.... teacher blogger meet-up

 OH my gosh
let me tell you I
was super super super
NERVOUS about this meet up
I worried about my hair...
what I was going to wear...
Tunstall and I talked a lot via
emails and decided to do this fun question activity
and have door prizes....
Tunstall and I got there at 6:30
we have never met...
so I was hoping I would recognize her
with her FAB new hair color and ALL...
I did and she is cute as can be!!!

we sat and waited
and talked like we had known each other FO EVA
and it was great!!!
We had some great convos
and then
the buzzy thing / drink coaster / do they ever disinfect these things
went off and we were seated at a big table for 8

we waited and waited...and talked and talked
OH and had some Adult beverages
it was great!!! then
came...she does not have a blog
BUT should because she is a RIOT...
so funny and CUTE CUTE CUTE to boot...
Kristina and Tunstall taught together a few years ago
and Kristina is a Blog fan so she joined us...
we all talked about who was going to show up and
then we see Katie...
Miss Katie is so sweet
she drove a long way to meet up with us!!!
She is from

Adventures of a 6th Grade Teacher

I LOVE Katie...
we had never met BUT I feel like
I am her friend already...
I remember when her blog was about her student teaching adventures
and now she is a BIG WIG BLOGGER...
we all had a wonderful time talking and sipping and laughing
and then we noticed the time
and noticed we got
by the others...
no matter
we ordered our food
laughed some more
and had fun...
they really missed out because the 4 of us had a blast!!!
and good for Kristina and Katie because they automatically won the door prizes
here are a few highlights of our convos
* that's the SHIZ
* hooker boots in kinder
* F**ing opossum in the ceilings
* taking down the top 5
* no comment
* TN vs TPT
* blog pet peeves
* throw up
* St. Patrick's Day Trip to Ireland (jealous over here)
* technology in our classrooms or in my case lack of (jealous again)
* the summer meet up

SO all in all our impromptu meet up was not as big as expected BUT GRAND for those that came!!!
we went outside and took a pic or 2

mind you I look like the jolly giant in this pic...
I know how to stand for a pic and here I am in the front...
stickin out my badonkadonk
right out there
way to go Farley...
but who is complaining...(ME)
yes baby has back and boobs and chinS
they were not invited to the meet-up BUT decided to make an appearance anyways
hey we did have 4 extra seats...
ha ha ha

BUT this was the gang!!!

and TEENY we did talk about you ...
we have decided to schedule our next get together around your trip to see TWIN in Texas
and we also said that our meet - up might not have been as
BIG as yours BUT we did have

I think that is it for now...
don't forget I get to pick the winner for the sharpeners on the 23rd
and I am still in LOVE with this sharpener!!!
LOVE I tell you and
did you see this....

it is my new sign and return stamp...
I MUSTACHE you...if you LOVE it too????
I will give you more details about it later... because I have a PLAN...

TA TA for now!!!

14 January, 2012

A Day in Farley's Shoes

OH MY GOSH... I have over 150 peeps at my linky party
thanks so much for the LOVE :)

I wanted to join a really neat party too so
I have decided to join....

ok I am linking up with Katie over at Adventures of a 6th Grade Teacher for her FIRST linky party!!!

OK in my shoes....
hmmm hmmm hkkkk hmmm (clearing my throat)

5:00-5:15 alarm goes off and I convince sweet hubby to hit snooze exactly 2 times and being the sweety he is... he does it... HE LOVES ME
5:15 - 5:30ish shower / wash hair / and other girly stuff
5:30ish -6:15 head to the living room and sit on the couch and do my make-up
I do it in there b/c so said sweet hubs is asleep and Drew is in there too (YES my baby sleeps in the bed with us... I have my reasons and yes he has a bedroom and yes I know it is probably BAD but we do it and in the words of Bobby Brown... That's my Prerogative  That's my prerogative ... I can do what I wanna do,,, it's my prerogative) and I want to watch the morning news and I let the pups go outside to play and I leave the back door open just in case Itty Bitty gets Napoleon syndrome and decides she wants to bark at Brutus (made up name) the  GINORMOUS Rotty next door...he has poo bigger than her BUT does she care H to the eck NO!!! yap yap yap and then I have to go to the back door and try to get her in...which only happens when I go to the pantry and shake a box full of something...like cereal or wheat thins or cheese its... and then she comes SPRINTING in...and then I shut the door quickly and go back to applying the face...and NO she doesn't get any little treats from the shaken box...and it works EVERY SINGLE TIME so I am not planning on rewarding anytime soon
6:15- 6:30 head to Drew's bathroom to do my hair...again hubs is asleep and I am not quiet....hair...consists of blow drying and praying and flat iron and cursing and then product and then mirrors and then when I think I have it at least half as good as Abby the Hair Dresser Diva makes it I get dressed
6:30-6:40 dress in the dark... hubs and bubs are still sleeping usually I know what I am going to wear so this is not a long process
6:40-6:45 lay out bub's clothes for hubs because he drops Drew off at Camp Paw Paw...my mom and dad watch him (lucky girl I am)... I also grab my healthy low calorie lunch out of the fridge and grab Consuela (my tote) and head to the car... I usually forget my phone so I either 1 head back in to get it or 2 leave it so let's say I grab it
6:45 drive to school and on my 3 mile drive I crank up the tunes... right now I am blaring Pistol Annies (Miranda Lambert's girl group... LOVE IT) if I am anticipating a very HORRID day I crank up some Kid Rock (don't judge he is a lyrical rhyming genius)
6:50 I park and put on my MK nude lipstick and then top it off with some Philosophy Chocolate Bark red  lip gloss... I am also checking to make sure i don't have toothpaste on my lips from brushing my teeth at 6:29 :)
6:52 I head inside the school...greeting the crossing guards and then I try to sneak to my class without too many distraction yelling good morn-n to anyone in their room on the way to my room... my room is at the very end of the hall BUT I usually only have to say GM to 2 teachers...
6:55 I get into my room followed by one cutie patootie kiddo (to help me get some stuff ready) I do NOT turn on any lights.. I head straight to my desk and turn on my OWL lamp and then turn on my computer.. I put Consuela in my chair and unpack her... purse in secret place, 31 lunch bag on table to take to lounge, unpacked Consuela under my desk...she fits PERFECTLY :)
7:00 - 7:20 I get my morning message ready on the projector screen (it is a PowerPoint slide) and try to read some emails... HOPING none of them add extra work to my schedule or take AWAY my breaks
7:20 my kiddos start coming in ( I forgot to get them again OOPS.. but my sweet co worker never forgets <3)
7:20-7:45 (lights now on) I remind the kids one million and 5 times to look at the message and to follow the directions and then they start their warm-up and we wait and wait and wait for morning announcements... we have to be at specials at 7:45 so we hope they come on soon
7:40 head to specials (turning lights off because we want to save the polar bears and walruses)
for 45 minutes I have the need to get ready for the day BUT I usually go visit my bestie in the office (Shawna or like I call her Shawna Bawna... she is the school secretary and she honestly is the BEST EVA... parents LOVE her and all of the STAFF AND FACULTY do too)  I love her MOSTEST though :)
we talk a little or a lot... then I head back to my room...hopefully I check my mailbox before leaving Shawna's!!!
back in my room I work on all kinds of stuff in the dark again (OWL lamp still on) grading, emailing, planning, napping, prepping, cleaning, filing, organizing, AHHHHHH who am I kidding I usually have some meeting or I talk to my grade level about SCHTUFF and on a full moon I do the other things
8:30 I pick up the kiddos and we come in and finish the warm-up and go right into SQUIRT.. I conference with some but recently I have been doing MOY testing (middle of the year) YUCK YUCK YUCK hate it... do not get me started... ok just a little... we have to test EVERY KID on their fluency ...even my kiddos that read like 150 words a minute and I have one that is over 200...really? REALLY? I have to break into their independent reading time while they are enjoying Tolstoy or Tolkien to read "The Tenth Birthday Party" or "Lion and Mouse" REALLY I DO!!! RE DUNK U LOUS...but that is my law...so I comply...Quietly (yeah right)... I taught the head detectives daughter so I am sure I am safe :)
9:15 after Reading response journals and transitioning into writing I read
a read aloud that compliments our writing focus... I have been following Everyday Editing  and it has changed my life as a writing teacher... I LOVE it and so do my kids so we look at a blurb from our read aloud...studying it and then we imitate it...( I am going to Blog about this next week so you'll have to wait on the details)
they then write their own version...
we share... compliment... make wishes... and move into science
here is a pic of the graphic organizer we will be using NEXT week in writing
if you want it I will have it in my Teachers Notebook store for FREE...HOLLLLLA

11:00 science... nothing special right now i am sad to say... I am a big bad ( and still beautiful) teacher right now when it comes to science... we have been doing a lot of vocabulary and partner reading... we did do a lab this week that went well and only had one kid breathe in through the straw and get sand in his mouth... we were weathering and eroding our deserts using wind...
12:00 head to lunch even though lunch is at 12:05... we walk slow
in the lounge I take my usual seat and if it is not my usual seat I get a little OCD about it... weird I know
talk is the same... babies, wedding, female plumbing, kids, adults, and husbands
we eat with 3rd then they leave and then 5th comes in
so I get to see some of my favorite buds
i cry and then head down... shuffle slowly to get the now hyped up on sugar kids... and head to recess...
they get about ABOUT 15 minutes of recess
pray for no injuries
at least NO BLOODY i might throw up injuries
these are very rare but I have had some in my years
like the kid with a stick in his eye...
that was gross
 and a lie
HA HA HA never happened but had you for awhile HUH?
1:00ish math
enough about that
2:15 if they are done with their math independent work they have to do a RAK anywhere in the school
2:20 pack stack and clean... pack up stack chairs and clean up
2:30 we all are out of the room and I am at duty and the kids are where ever they need to be... walking home or waiting to be picked up
2:45 take kids not picked up to office and sit in the office with Shawna
a few of us sit in the office and just wait and chit chat and then we slowly migrate back to our rooms
end of the day consists of talking to my hallway girls ( i love our GREEN HALL)
and then I get some grading done and planning done :) and more talking
usually I head out the door around 4 and go pick up my bub from camp paw paw...

HOLY COW that was a lot of stuff... but fun to write...
you should go join KLOHN's  party too because I am NOSE--EE and want to know what your day looks like!!!

show some love :)

I did it and so should you... even if you don't link up you could send some digital goodies :)

click on the heart to get all of the details!!!

thanks Mrs. Wills for details and linky!!!

08 January, 2012

Currently & more

SO if you haven't noticed...
actually I am a little over 1000
but who is counting
Yeah RIGHT!!!
(raising my hand) ME ME ME I am counting!!!
well in honor of my
I am teaming up with Troy Decoff
for an AMAZING give away!!!

well he is the brains behind the BESTEST EVA
pencil sharpener around!!!!

I recently got one and I am in LOVE
forget the electric ones I have
and I have 3
and I have those SUPER $$$$ ones too
and you know they only last about oh
MAYBE a year
and if some brainiac shoves in a PINKY pencil and
then you have to unplug the sharpener to get the pencil out
and then shove a straightened paperclip into the eraser
to manipulate the pinky pencil out
I am a teacher NOT Mc Gyver

or you might have that precious ding a ling that
puts in a colored pencil
(even though you have said NO COLORED PENCILS in the electric sharpeners)
and the soft lead gets all stuck in there
and then you have to push in a fresh pencil
REALLY HARD to try to force out the soft lead

with Troy's sharpener!!!!

anyways I LOVE THIS pencil sharpener...
not only is it SUPER cute BUT
it is a little QuIrKy too AND
it is also way teacher friendly!!
colored pencils and pinky pencils included

the kids LOVE it too
I put it out on Friday
and if I charged my kids a quarter for every time they sharpened their pencils
I would have like a bajillion bucks
OK maybe $33
but they really liked it too!!!

Well I contacted Troy and
being the AWESOME guy that he is
(did I mention he is a teacher too)
he donated 2 pencil sharpeners
for me to give AWAY
will get ONE sharpener each
(I will use the random # thingy to pick the winners and post it on the 23rd of Jan.)
and really I have to say I am a bit jealous because
I want to enter to win

I want one at every group
every corner
this is not your typical sharpener peeps
check it out....

OK here is what you have to do to enter...
just join the linky party!!!
easy right!!!

here is mine...

and here is yours..if you want to use it...
and remember you do not have to use this to enter
just write it out on your blog
and just in case you do not know what
OLW is
it means....
One Little Word...
if you are still not sure what that is...

OK what are you waiting for... link on up :)
loving me
and allowing me to be me
(insert HUGE GRIN here)

06 January, 2012

finding baby jesus

gotcha with my title HUH?

well today is 3 Kings Day
and don't think that I am an expert on this
because FRANKLY I am NOT
BUT I do KNOW that
my sweet sweet custodian
Jesus (hey-soos)
not to be confused with Jesus (JE-zes)
which has been done and I did it...

(go on a bird walk with me...you know a random squirrel)
anyways a few years ago
I went up during the summer and saw a huge box in the work room that said
"Jesus (JE-zes) take this recycling out!"
I was so offended...
really in the amount of time it took that person to write that note
they could have taken that box and their behind to the recycling
i went to my buddy Shawna (as i often do)
to complain about this TACKY Jesus (JE-Zes) note
and she started laughin at me because
as she said
"FARLEY it is not JESUS (JE-ZES) it is Jesus (hey-soos)"
it said
Jesus (Hey-soos) take this recycling out!
Oh my gosh!!!!

after the confusion of Jesus/Jesus
I started calling our custodian Mr. Jesse
anyways he did this really sweet thing and
brought in 5 Kings Cakes or breads today to celebrate
and in each cake was a baby Jesus...
each hallway and the office had their own cake...
really not so much cake and more like a bread ring
a very colorful and pretty bread ring
very similar to the Kings Cakes back in my home state
of the 'SIPP (or Mississippi... yes I am a true Southern girl)

anywho very similar to the mardi gras Kings cake but not

*back on track****again***
we had fair warning about this
sweet sweet gesture a few days ago
and I was super STOKED about finding baby Jesus
I mean who doesn't want to find baby Jesus

well long story short
all baby Jesus
were found before we got in there
I mean how can the green hall's cake
already have a slice missing
if  not one of us got our slice
and how does that one sliver
just per chance have the baby Jesus in it

I feel cheated out of my chance to get a baby Jesus
all day i was kinda upset about this

I know I know let it go Farley

I think it might be more of the fact that the green hall baby Jesus
did NOT go to a GREEN HALL resident
I mean that baby Jesus was meant to be a green hall resident too
my green hall needs a baby Jesus!!!!

but in the spirit of this great gift
and to support my one little word effort
(my word is polish)
I would like to leave you with this

for all of you that did not find baby Jesus in your Kings cake
that is OK
you can't have your cake and a baby Jesus too

01 January, 2012

book study procrastination

HAPPY 2012!!!

I must admit I am not as happy as
my 3 exclamation points indicate

I am CURRENTLY pouting about going back to school tomorrow!!!
YUCK and we got a phone call from
the new principal reminding us to read our chapter for our book study
YEPPERS book study
YEE HAW a book study assigned in December
(pulling the string to my last popper.....**~**( ~* confetti *~ )** ~**....
S*A*R*C*A*S*M (my friend)
I only had to read one chapter
BUT did I???

I really was going to but
I forgot what chapter I was assigned
I left the book at school

we were given the book at
back to school PD
and I put it away
(wasn't told I would need it in DEC)
well I put it
some place real good
because I CANNOT FIND IT!!!
am I sweating bullets over this?
not really
do I know that I can download a copy off of the district's web page...
(fingers crossed)
NO I do NOT know this...
I am assigned to a wonderful group of teachers
that I am sure have read the book
I mean I have the cream of the crop group...
I am hoping that my PowerPoint skills will outshine the fact that
I have not read the chapter
I am thinking they can tell me what to write and I can whip it out fast and PURTY
I plan on taking my 8GB thumb drive full of digi scrapbooking yumminess!!!
Don't you think this will be OK
I am having some slight guilt now
BUT I haven't pinned today
so I might have to do that first and then maybe just maybe go and look at the book

and 2 more things
OK 3

 no CURRENTLY right now...
YES there will be a January one
I was working on it tonight
and then I started thinking
is going to have the same answers

Erin Condren planners?
when do you buy these delicious planners
do you have a life planner?...
or do you have the lesson plan one?
please please those of you that know what I am talking about
I was ASSUMING now would be the time to buy the 2012 life planner... right
maybe I am wrong... this Erin Condren thing has me all excited...
I mean I have been looking at her website for a long time waiting for
and it is here and I am ready
READY to order one
I want the works
(I have been watching a LOT of Willy Wonka with Drew... original not Depp)

if you don't know what I am talking about
If you don't know about Erin....not Willy
you should know Willy
I mean who doesn't know Willy?
and there are SEVERAL Willys to choose from
really just ONE Willy Wonka
but lots of Willys
back to ERIN
you can thank me later
for showing you the QUEEN of YUMMIES.... ERIN!!!
PLEASE I need answers to this...
I might have to email her myself...
do you order your life planners now
do you do you

have you seen this yet?

over at

2nd Grade Shenanigans

HOPE has organized a great give-away and she asked ME to join her...YAY
and lots of other bloggers too!!!

hop on over to HOPE's and enter
click on her blog button below to head on over

2nd Grade Shenanigans

ok that is it...
now I have to decide if I want to go read or not....
it might help if I remembered the name of the book
and what chapter I was assigned...
ta ta for now