29 July, 2011

winner, a deal, & freebies

for all of the entries!!!
to ScrapDelicious for such a great
give-away prize!!!

and without further adieu....

lynne you have 48 hours to contact me

If you were not the
ScrapDelicious is running an
deal right now!!!!

You can buy both of their stores for $50!!!
So you are getting $850 worth of digi-scraps for
ONLY $50!!!

click on the pic above to head on over!!!
after their deal ends...
Anyone who purchases the "Buy OUR Store" at ScrapDelicious will be automatically entered into a RANDOM draw. The person drawn will get their purchase price REFUNDED! Woohoo!
These girls are SUPER DELISH!!!
(when you go over and buy anything...
please tell them I sent you...PLEASE)

AND like I promised...
I owe you 2 more freebies :)

so what do you think about these????


AND if you blogged about this give-away...
send me an email with the link
and I will send you a
bundle of posters :)
as a thank you...
I made using Tallula Moon & ScrapALatte Designs!!!

THANKS so much for all of the entries!!!

AND CONGRATS to Lynne!!!

28 July, 2011

times running out!!!

I would be
fibbing if I didn't admit
that I have felt like a complete
My email
(and phone) has been blowing up
with all the comments from
the give-away!!!


Anyways just a little
LAST MINUTE reminder to
go and enter if you have not already!!!

SO if you need to go and enter...
head on over

and enter!!!!

25 July, 2011

LOTS of FrEeBiEs & GiVe-AwAy reminder!!!

I am in  LA LA Land over
the great response to my

If you didn't know about it
click on
the pretty pink poster 
ABOVE to go enter!!!!

Not really sure how you could miss a give-away worth $850 BUT just in case I am here to remind you and I still LOVE you!!!

BUT before you leave...
as promised I made some freebies!!!
For every 50 comments I promised one freebie
and as of last night
before I went to bed I had
330 comments so that means
I owe you 6 freebies!!!
BUT I got carried away and made 8
might be because I was up LATE LATE LATE making these and I wanted tonight off..maybe
or I JUST LOVE YOU GUYS SO SO SO MUCH that I made 8...
yeah that's it ((((YAWN)))) do you feel the LOVE???

Here you go....

Tallula Moon &/or ScrapALatte's kits!!!
& I made all of these in Power Point too!!

You can use this to plan out your weeks... for school or home!!!
I know I need weekends on my planners because I have a life outside of
school (maybe) AND let's face it I do school work over the weekend too!!!

If you are a LONG time follower...you have seen something like this before!!!
I mixed my regular To Do List with some cute elements and paper from TM and SAL's
digi- kits!!!

The next 2 posters are signature sheets!!!
When there is a BDay in your room...
print one of these up and have the whole class
sign it for the BDay boy or girl!!!
This one is for the boy!!!
this one is for the girl!!!!

If you print this out and then fold it in half...
you have a....
little note from the teacher!!!
& it is OK to write nice and not nice I mean informative notes in here!!!

Math Poster Anyone?
Here is a list of problem solving steps
The Math Seven!!!

 Here it is again but with what to do included :)

 Last but not least....
I made this
Getting Home Poster
to help organize how my kids get home!!!
I can print this and heavy duty laminate it
write their names in sharpie
and if something changes.... I can erase it!!!
DID YOU KNOW... you can use the dry erase liquid cleaner to erase sharpie?

Not to brag BUT I am LUV-n my Getting Home Poster!!! ***WINK***

OK there you have it...your freebies and to make your life easier I put them in a bundle for easy downloading in my TpT store...

click here to go right there!!!

OK there are your freebies from today!!!!
AND I hope I get to work on some more freebies for you!!!
Don't forget to spread the word on your blog too!!!
THANKS to those that have!!!
You can use this (you have seen it before) pretty pink poster to help spread the word!!!!

click on this poster or its twin to head on over and enter
or really you could just scroll down to the next post because it is right below this one!!!
if you have an idea of what you might like for a freebie drop me a line :)
remember to spread the word!!!
I MIGHT be making something JUST for my
FAVORITE bloggers that shared this contest on their blog
and if you shared on your blog
 I might be asking you for your email address when the contest is over
a little bribe-n never hurts ***WINK***
have a great Monday!!! and remember this contest ends Thursday!!!

24 July, 2011

HUGE Scrap*tacular Give Away HUGE

 Every time I post a poster...
 I get these AWWW SOME comments and
emails (which I {puffy} HEART)
about how I make my posters
and where do I get my graphics...
WELL ~ I make all of my stuff on PowerPoint slides
and save them as PDFs or Jpegs!!!
I swear it is so so so easy and quick!!!
I own Photo Shop and don't get me wrong it is great too
BUT for quick makes I use PowerPoint!!!
for graphics I LOVE me some
ScrapDelicious is where I go to get ALL of my TEACHER friendly graphics!!!
SO this give away came about because
I contacted my FAVORITEST
digi-scrap designers
and they have offered to give one of my followers the opportunity of
a TEACHER LIFETIME!!! (that is my opinion... but I am sure you will agree by the end)
DO you understand HOW MANY graphics and papers and alphas that is???
I mean some kits contain several of each!!
LOOK!!!  Below are 4 kits!!!
LOOK at how much stuff comes in EACH kit and
you could WIN all of the kits from their personal shops...
OVER 100 kits!!!!
OK now pick up your jaw and read on!!!


The artists names are Joli and Kelli.
Together they own ScrapDelicious!!!
ScrapDelicious is MY GO TO place for graphic kits!!!
Within ScrapDelicious
there are several independent artist who sell scrapbooking kits!!!
Joli and Kelli are 2 of them ...
Joli is the brains behind ScrapALatte Designs
Kelli is the brains behind Tallula Moon Designs
ScrapALatte and Tallula Moon are MY GO TO place for
TEACHER FRIENDLY graphics and papers and alpha sets!!!

Let me hear a WE LOVE SAL & TM!!!
(get it my new short for ScrapALatte and Tallula Moon!!!)
So I know you are ready to enter this give-away!!!
So here's how to enter!!!

If you do all of those things...
you could have 9 chances to WIN!!!
Some more details you might like are: 
 If you noticed...
ALL of my posters
in this post
were made with their kits!!!
I put the kit name in the bottom corner!!!
Below you will see my
favorite kit from each of their stores!!!
In case you are wondering...
You upload the elements just by uploading a pic
and you can shrink it or enlarge it
with no loss of sharpness!!!
The backgrounds were made with papers available in the kits!!!
it is too too easy!!!


I {PuFFy} HeArT SoCk MoNkEyS!!! and those date bits would make my calendars look so CUTE!!!

Some important links you might need:

ScrapDelicious Facebook  tell them I sent you & show some LOVE

Tallula Moon Designs Facebook tell her I sent you & show some LOVE

Oh' Boy 4th Grade Facebook  tell ME you came from this contest TEE HEE HEE

ScrapALatte's Blog go follow it

Tallulah Moon's Blog go follow it

ScrapALatte's Store  go pick a FAVE

Tallula Moon's Store go pick a FAVE

and just in case you forgot ALL the ways to enter...

that was a SERIOUSly LOOOOOOONG blog post!!!
I hope you are as excited about this as I am!!!
AND just to make this
For every 50 comments I will POST a FREEBIE using
of course SAL & TM kits!!!

and and and
if you want to use the FIRST poster in this
blog  NOVEL
to help spread the word!!!
YAY now go comment!!!

23 July, 2011

BrAiNs - FrEEBie - HiNt & a ?

please read this post til the end... you won't regret it ***WINK WINK***

I say that a lot (see poster above)
A LOt A LOT in my class.
Not MEAN or anything
but when they ask
how do you spell that
or I don't know or
I don't get it...
I usually say
USE your brain!!!
With that said... I found this awesomeness at the soon to be gone Borders
ON SALE of course (5 buckaroos I think)

yeah -- it is sideways BUT I am being lazy and don't want to reload
can't BLOGGER let us turn them ...WHAAAA

I had to have it!!!  It is a silicone BRAIN ice-cube tray!!!
I wanted it to make those really cute recycled crayon creations
I have seen all over Pinterest!!!
I explained to my Hubby what I was going to do and in his
(I {PUFFY} HEART dorks)
he took the tray into the garage and
filled it with some type of plastic concoction!!!


I am thinking of spraying them
gold or pink and handing them out as awards!!!

Like a BRAIN-iac award or something
Brainy like that!!!

I loved this SOOOO much I sent hubs back to Borders
and he got me these...

this one has 2 radios 2 microphones and 2 dollar signs
I am thinking
Great Listener
Wonderful Presentation for Author Share
NO CLUE for the $$$$

Happy face will be for a GREAT day!!!
I figured when they reach the top of
my clip chart they will get one of these!!!
Hubby is going to be busy!!!
I don't have too many kids reach the VERY top of my chart so
maybe he will have to make 2 or 3 sets!!!

 I am thinking I could still do the crayon thing
 and hubs said plaster of paris might work for others without a hubby that knows how to make plastic
but for now he has a little side job...
making stuff for me!!!!

I have made something for you too...if you want it!!!
I had these made as wallet size prints at Costco and will hand them out with the BRAIN!!!

Use Your Brain

SOMETHING ELSE you might like....
I have a lot of questions about how I make my signs and WHERE I  get my FANTABULOUS graphics from...
tune back in tomorrow because I have teamed up with the
AHHH SOME girls over at
for an OUT of this WORLD give-away!!!
details will come tomorrow!!!
YAY!!! can't wait!!!
and they LOVE LOVE LOVE teachers!!

ps the give-away is valued at over $800
YEP you read that right
OVER $800!!!!

and can someone PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me how to # my comments!!!
I have a feeling that I might need a comment counter!!!

20 July, 2011

where in the world is....

I just saw
a really neat post on

The First Grade Parade

She was asking if Dallas area teachers were interested in meeting up...
I live in Universal City, Texas (right outside San Antonio) and would LOVE
to meet up BUT it is kinda far away and
we just got back from there
so I am crossing my fingers hubby might want to take another road trip!!!

ANYWHO... I started thinking I have NO CLUE
where everyone is from...
I know some but not most!!!
I thought
I could set up a guestbook and let's see what happens.
After it has been up for awhile
I think I can share the HTML code and others can post it too.
That way there are not a swarm of guestbooks...does that make sense.
We could all share the same book!!! YAY

so sign up today and spread the word
let's see how many teachers we can get :)

you can use this poster / sign
to spread the word...

17 July, 2011

you asked for it... LOL

I had a couple of requests for a blank "we do" poster....
i added it to the SCRIBD download
on the post below :)
I also had questions about how big I was going to make this poster...
I found out yesterday that since I make these in PowerPoint and save them as Jpegs
that the bigger I make it the lower the res gets....
BUT if you print from your printer...
on a normal 8x11
they turn out fine.

MY goal is to get on my PS and get this in high res along with my
"famous farley quotes" and get them on scribd for you too.

BUT not until my girls win the WORLD CUP!!!

thanks boston.com for the pic


16 July, 2011

thanks & a freebie

As a quick thank you for being
Here is a FREEBIE
for ya!!!
THANKS so much...
never in a bajillion years would
I think I would have 300
well almost 300 followers!!!

we do

15 July, 2011

Farley needs a filter...

I found a
FaBuLouS LiNkY PaRtY

and I couldn't wait to join...
I am known to say some CraZy FuNNy things!!!
the kids think it is a riot and thank goodness
4 out of 5 dentists recommend me
or I would be in trouble!!!

I have been working on some posters
of MY
"FAMOUS" sayings
and this Linky kicked
my keester into gear to finish them...
(i was about to say made me get off my
butt to finsh them...but I don't stand while on the computer)

So here are my finished posters with some explaining :)

1. I HATE dislike when a student hits another student
 or scratches or pushes or you fill in the blank...
and when asked why they say...
(if you did not say the above bold print in
an annoying kid voice please go back and repeat...
and so I tell them this...

2. If they do not get the above statement
I then ask them...
Well if he kissed you would you KISS him back?
that is usually followed by a YUCK!!! or some other
~ I just found a bug in my lunch~ face
AND to tell you the HONEST truth
most don't get it...
some do
It might just be my sarcastic DIVA-licious
personality spewing out!!!
BUT WHATEVER...here's your sign (HA HA HA)
 3. During Writer's Workshop
some of my sweet babies
just cannot stay QUIET...
so to gently remind them
and to save my SHHHHH for later use...
I say in my sweetest teacher voice...
 4. After I check for understanding
and know for sure they are ready to be let loose on independent work I say...
 5. I am all about ReALiTy TV but just not in my classroom...

 6. If they ask silly questions or I want them to think a little harder...
 7.  I LOVE this quote and
have NEVER used it in my class BUT
with a poster this CUTE
I will be saying this a lot next year!!!
 8.  I tease my kids that if they leave early
they have to bring me back a Sonic drink...
some do & I act like the Prize Patrol
walked into my class with a BaJiLLioN $$$
when they do.
My former FaVe was an apple JUICE slush
BUT I am saddened to say
that due to Sonic wanting to fill up our landfills with apple juice
juice boxes they NO LONGER
have apple juice on TAP *tear*
so my new fave is
9. I am all about sharing
BUT the PiGGy fLu put me over the edge so
I bring you this...
10.  I am NOT claiming this as my own...
I am simply sharing this FICTIONAL NEVER happened in my
classroom saying...
After the fabulous, fantastic, fantasy teacher finished telling
her NOT REAL class that they need glue and scissors for the
next activity and she SWEETLY and KINDLY explained
how cutting NEATLY and gluing straight will be crucial in
completing the task perfectly...a made up student asked...
do I need my scissors and glue???
and so the prim and proper probably made up teacher 
lost her teacher filter and  replied.....(see below)
and lived the rest of the school year in a class where fictional kids
purposely asked if they had to use scissors or glue so some-one could reply...

 11. and my last one
I have VERY expensive pencil sharpeners
and I explain that pencils smaller than your pinky
should NOT go into the sharpener...
If I break I cry...If you break you BUY!!!
(not really but it works)

i have more...
but I had to stop to cook dinner...
PRETTY sure hubs and bubs would like dinner tonight :)

I had so much fun reading through the other entries..
my favorite was...
did they have scissors or a knife...
then they didn't cut you...
even in the older grades I get that

oh and if these posters are something you might want
let me know in the comments section.  
I have been debating over possibly putting them up for sale and sharing some others for FREE...

hope you have a beaver licking good Friday

I mean a finger licking good weekend :) *wInK*

update as of June 2013...
this is probably one of my most pinned posts and tons of you have contacted me to see if I sell these...
I do BUT they are slightly altered because some of the graphics I used in the above posters were not for commercial use....
here is a preview of what I have 
it is in my teacher's notebook store and 
sadly the file was lost when my computer ate it... so it will only be on TN!!!
here is the link...
if you are interested :) 
and I will run a summer sale until Sept 1st 2013 on these :)
thanks for all the pins...